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Text File  |  2003-01-21  |  85.9 KB  |  896 lines

  1. # VCDEasy language file (Syntax: VCDEasy_XX.lng when XX is the 2 (or 3) country code letters used by Windows)
  2. # ==================================================================================================================
  3. #
  4. # blank lines and lines starting with # are ignored
  5. #
  6. # ^ means new line character
  7. # ~ means tar character
  8. # && means &
  9. #
  10. # However, do NOT add this formating characters if original string doesn't use them
  11. #
  12. # On each line, do not modify strings before the = character, they are variable names...
  13. #
  15. #################################################################################################################################################################################
  17. [Language]
  18. Language=Russian
  19. #Language=╨≤±±ΩΦΘ
  20. LanguageExt=ru
  21. LanguageVersion=1.1.4
  23. # XXXXXXXXRussian Translation by Vladislav Kugelevich <vladek@navigators.lv>
  25. # SEGMENT=±σπ∞σφ≥
  26. #sequence=≈α±≥ⁿ
  27. # Chapter = πδαΓα
  28. #simulate (in CD writing) =²∞≤δΦ≡εΓα≥ⁿ
  29. #rip = ≡Φ∩Φ≥ⁿ
  30. #aspect ratio= left as is, cause there are no common term in russian for that("≡ατ∞σ≡ Φτεß≡αµσφΦ " φσ  Γδ σ≥±  ⌡ε≡ε°Φ∞ Φ ∩εφ ≥φ√∞ ≥σ≡∞Φφε∞ ;-)
  31. #CD = CD(to most people that will be more expected then "╩─"
  32. #CD Reader=╧≡ΦΓεΣ CD
  33. #CD Writer=╧Φ∙≤∙ΦΘ ∩≡ΦΓεΣ
  34. #gap = ταΣσ≡µΩα
  35. #item = ∩≤φΩ≥
  36. #resize = ≡σ±αΘτ (due to too long russian analogs I'm using slang)
  37. #still = ±≥ε∩-ΩαΣ≡
  38. #margin= ∩εδσ
  39. #credits = ταπδαΓφ√σ ≥Φ≥≡√
  40. #online=εφδαΘφ
  41. #FAQ=╫α┬╬
  42. #Execution=╬ß≡αßε≥Ωα
  43. #failed=∩≡εΓαδΦδα±ⁿ/φσ ≤Σαδα±ⁿ
  44. #################################################################################################################################################################################
  46. [Translations]
  48. AspiToolsDisabledLabel                                      =╬≥Ωδ■≈σφε Φτ-τα ASPI
  49. ButtonAddFileCdTree                                         =─εßαΓΦ≥ⁿ Γ Σσ≡σΓε
  50. ButtonAddFolderCdTree                                       =─εßαΓΦ≥ⁿ ∩α∩Ω≤
  51. ButtonAddFolderContentCdTree                                =─εßαΓΦ≥ⁿ Ωεφ≥σφ≥
  52. ButtonAddMpg                                                =─εßαΓΦ≥ⁿ ╘αΘδ√
  53. ButtonAllDefault                                            =┬±σ
  54. ButtonAllNumericKeys                                        =┬±σ
  55. ButtonAllReactivity                                         =┬±σ
  56. ButtonAllReturn                                             =┬±σ
  57. ButtonAllWait                                               =┬±σ
  58. ButtonAuthoringReset                                        =╤ß≡ε±
  59. ButtonBinBrowse                                             =╬ßτε≡
  60. ButtonBlankCdrw                                             =╬≈Φ±≥Φ≥ⁿ
  61. ButtonBrowseLogFile                                         =╬ßτε≡
  62. ButtonBurnImage                                             =╟α∩Φ±α≥ⁿ
  63. ButtonCdEject                                               =╚τΓδσ≈ⁿ
  64. ButtonCdLoad                                                =╟απ≡≤τΦ≥ⁿ
  65. ButtonCdLock                                                =┴δεΩΦ≡εΓα≥ⁿ
  66. ButtonCdStartRotate                                         =┬≡α∙α≥ⁿ
  67. ButtonCdStopRotate                                          =╬±≥αφεΓ Γ≡α∙.
  68. ButtonCdUnlock                                              =╨ατßδεΩΦ≡εΓα≥ⁿ
  69. ButtonChapterAt                                             =Ok
  70. ButtonChapterAtFrame                                        =Ok
  71. ButtonChapterClear                                          =╬≈Φ±≥Φ≥ⁿ Γ±╕
  72. ButtonChapterEvery                                          =Ok
  73. ButtonChapterEveryFrames                                    =Ok
  74. ButtonCheckNewVersion                                       =╧≡εΓσ≡Φ≥ⁿ
  75. ButtonCleanLog                                              =╬≈Φ±≥Φ≥ⁿ δεπ
  76. ButtonClearAllMpegs                                         =╬≈Φ±≥Φ≥ⁿ
  77. ButtonClearLocationCdrDao                                   =╬≈Φ±≥Φ≥ⁿ
  78. ButtonClearLocationVcdImager                                =╬≈Φ±≥Φ≥ⁿ
  79. ButtonCreateFolderCdTree                                    =╤ετΣα≥ⁿ
  80. ButtonDatToMpegIn                                           =DAT ⌠αΘδ
  81. ButtonDatToMpegOut                                          =MPEG ⌠αΘδ
  82. ButtonDatToMpegRun                                          =╧σ≡σΣσδα≥ⁿ
  83. ButtonDiscInfo                                              =╧εΩατα≥ⁿ
  84. ButtonEquidistant                                           =Ok
  85. ButtonExecuteRip                                            =Rip
  86. ButtonExecuteXmlBrowseBin                                   =BIN ⌠αΘδ
  87. ButtonExecuteXmlBrowseXml                                   =XML ⌠αΘδ
  88. ButtonExecuteXmlExecute                                     =╟α∩≤±≥Φ≥ⁿ
  89. ButtonGapsDefault                                           =╧ε ≤∞εδ≈αφΦ■
  90. ButtonLocationCdrDao                                        =╬ßτε≡
  91. ButtonLocationVcdImager                                     =╬ßτε≡
  92. ButtonReadCdCreateBin                                       =╤ετΣα≥ⁿ
  93. ButtonReadCdSelectBin                                       =BIN ⌠αΘδ
  94. ButtonResetSelectionToDefault                               =╤ß≡ε±
  95. ButtonRipBrowseBinNrg                                       =BIN/NRG ⌠αΘδ
  96. ButtonRipBrowseXml                                          =XML ⌠αΘδ
  97. ButtonScanMpegAnalyse                                       =└φαδΦτ.
  98. ButtonScanMpegBrowse                                        =MPEG ⌠αΘδ
  99. ButtonSelectBurnImage                                       =CUE/TOC ⌠αΘδ
  100. ButtonStillGenerate                                         =╤ετΣα≥ⁿ
  101. ButtonStillInputBrowse                                      =╬ßτε≡
  102. ButtonStillOutputFolderBrowse                               =╬ßτε≡
  103. ButtonStopCdTree                                            =╤≥ε∩ ΣεßαΓ.
  104. ButtonUnlockCdWriter                                        =╤φ ≥ⁿ ßδεΩ
  105. CheckBox2336Output                                          =╚±∩εδⁿτεΓα≥ⁿ ±σΩ≥ε≡√ ∩ε 2336 ßαΘ≥ Σδ  εß≡ατα
  106. CheckBoxAddPbc                                              =╚±∩εδⁿτεΓα≥ⁿ PBC
  107. CheckBoxAnalyseMpeg                                         =└φαδΦτ Mpeg ⌠αΘδεΓ
  108. CheckBoxApplyCorrection                                     =╧≡Φ∞σφΦ≥ⁿ Ωε≡≡σΩ≥Φ≡εΓΩ≤
  109. CheckBoxBurn                                                =╟α∩Φ±ⁿ
  110. CheckBoxBurnCueTocSimulate                                  =▌∞≤δ ÷Φ 
  111. CheckBoxCdWriterEject                                       =╬≥Ω≡√≥ⁿ δε≥εΩ ∩≡ΦΓεΣα ∩ε±δσ τα∩Φ±Φ
  112. CheckBoxCdWriterForce                                       =╘ε≡±Φ≡εΓα≥ⁿ τα∩Φ±ⁿ
  113. CheckBoxCdWriterOverburn                                    =╨ατ≡σ°Φ≥ⁿ overburn
  114. CheckBoxCdiDefault                                          =CD-i ∩≡ΦδεµσφΦσ ∩ε ≤∞εδ≈αφΦ■
  115. CheckBoxCheckAutomatic                                      =╧≡εΓσ≡ ≥ⁿ φαδΦ≈Φσ φεΓεΘ Γσ≡±ΦΦ ∩≡επ≡α∞∞√ ΩαµΣ√Θ Σσφⁿ
  116. CheckBoxCreateBin2336                                       =╚±∩εδⁿτεΓα≥ⁿ ≡σµΦ∞ ±σΩ≥ε≡εΓ ∩ε 2336 ßαΘ≥
  117. CheckBoxCustomizeGaps                                       =═α±≥≡εΦ≥ⁿ ταΣσ≡µΩΦ Φ ∩εδ 
  118. CheckBoxDisplayXmlInColor                                   =╧εΩατ√Γα≥ⁿ XML Γ ÷Γσ≥σ
  119. CheckBoxEmptySegment                                        =┬±σπΣα τα∩Φ±√Γα≥ⁿ ∩α∩Ω≤ SEGMENT(φσΩε≥ε≡√σ ∩≡εΦπ≡√Γα≥σδΦ ≥≡σß≤■≥ ²≥επε)
  120. CheckBoxEnableAspiTools                                     =┬Ωδ■≈Φ≥ⁿ ASPI Σ≡αΘΓσ≡α
  121. CheckBoxEnableCdrDao                                        =┬Ωδ■≈Φ≥ⁿ CDRDAO
  122. CheckBoxErase                                               =╙Σαδ ≥ⁿ εß≡ατ√ ΣΦ±ΩεΓ ∩ε±δσ ≤±∩σ°φεΘ  τα∩Φ±Φ
  123. CheckBoxEraseXml                                            =╙Σαδ ≥ⁿ XML ⌠αΘδ√ ∩ε±δσ ≤±∩σ°φεΘ  τα∩Φ±Φ
  124. CheckBoxExecuteXml2336Output                                =╚±∩εδⁿτεΓα≥ⁿ ±σΩ≥ε≡α ∩ε 2336 ßαΘ≥ Σδ  εß≡ατα CD
  125. CheckBoxFillAlbumName                                       =╚±∩εδⁿτεΓα≥ⁿ φατΓαφΦσ ∩σ≡ΓεΘ ≈α±≥Φ  ΩαΩ φατΓαφΦσ Σδ  ΣΦ±Ωα
  126. CheckBoxFillVolumeLabel                                     =╚±∩εδⁿτεΓα≥ⁿ φατΓαφΦσ ∩σ≡ΓεΘ ≈α±≥Φ ΩαΩ ∞σ≥Ω≤ ≥ε∞α
  127. CheckBoxIncludeNumKeyForChapters                            =╧ε ≤∞εδ≈αφΦ■ Φ±∩εδⁿτεΓα≥ⁿ ≥αΩµσ Φ ΩδαΓΦ°Φ ± ÷Φ⌠≡α∞Φ Σδ  ∩σ≡σ∞σ∙σφΦ (φσ ≥εδⁿΩε Prev Φ Next)
  128. CheckBoxInsertXmlComments                                   =┬±≥αΓδ ≥ⁿ Ωε∞∞σφ≥α≡ΦΦ Γ ±ετΣαφφ√Θ XML
  129. CheckBoxNavigationRejected                                  =╬≥Ωατ
  130. CheckBoxNavigationUseNumeric                                =╚±∩εδⁿτεΓα≥ⁿ ΩδαΓΦ°Φ ± ÷Φ⌠≡α∞Φ
  131. CheckBoxNextVolumeUseLid2                                   =CδσΣ≤■∙ΦΘ ≥ε∞ Φ±∩εδⁿτ≤σ≥ "Lid2"
  132. CheckBoxNextVolumeUseSequence2                              =╤δσΣ≤■∙ΦΘ ≥ε∞ Φ±∩εδⁿτ≤σ≥ "Sequence2"
  133. CheckBoxOverwriteDefaultNumeric                             =╧σ≡στα∩Φ±α≥ⁿ ≡α±∩≡σΣσδσφΦ  ∩ε ≤∞εδ≈αφΦ■
  134. CheckBoxPerformSomeComplianceChecks                         =╧≡εΓσ≡ ≥ⁿ ⌠αΘδ φα ±εΓ∞σ±≥Φ∞ε±≥ⁿ ± MPEG
  135. CheckBoxQuickBlank                                          =┴√±≥≡α  ε≈Φ±≥Ωα
  136. CheckBoxRelaxAPS                                            =╬≥∞σφΦ≥ⁿ επ≡αφΦ≈σφΦ  APS Σδ  ≥ε≈σΩ Γ⌡εΣα Γ πδαΓ√(═┼ ╨┼╩╬╠┼═─╙┼╥╤▀)
  137. CheckBoxRip2336Output                                       =╚±∩εδⁿτεΓα≥ⁿ ±σΩ≥ε≡α ∩ε 2336 ßαΘ≥ Σδ  εß≡ατα CD
  138. CheckBoxRipNoExtPsd                                         =╚πφε≡Φ≡εΓα≥ⁿ ⌠αΘδ /EXT/PSD_X.VCD
  139. CheckBoxRipNoFiles                                          =═σ ≡Φ∩Φ≥ⁿ ∩≡ε≈Φσ ⌠αΘδ√
  140. CheckBoxRipNoSegments                                       =═σ ≡Φ∩Φ≥ⁿ ±σπ∞σφ≥√
  141. CheckBoxRipNoSequences                                      =═σ ≡Φ∩Φ≥ⁿ ≈α±≥Φ
  142. CheckBoxRipXmlOnly                                          =╤ετΣαΓα≥ⁿ ≥εδⁿΩε XML ⌠αΘδ ± ε∩Φ±αφΦσ∞ SVCD
  143. CheckBoxSaveLog                                             =╤ε⌡≡αφΦ≥ⁿ δεπ
  144. CheckBoxScanMpegShowAps                                     =╧εΩατ√Γα≥ⁿ Σαφφ√σ "Access Point Sector" Γ δεπα⌡
  145. CheckBoxScanMpegShowRelaxedAps                              =±ε ±φ ≥Φσ∞ επ≡αφΦ≈σφΦ  APS
  146. CheckBoxShowWarnings                                        =╧εΩατ√Γα≥ⁿ ∩≡σΣ≤∩≡σµΣσφΦ 
  147. CheckBoxSimulate                                            =▌∞≤δ ÷Φ 
  148. CheckBoxStillNoMaximize                                     =═σ ≤ΓσδΦ≈ΦΓα≥ⁿ ∞αδσφⁿΩΦσ Ωα≡≥ΦφΩΦ
  149. CheckBoxSvcdBroken                                          =╚±∩εδⁿτεΓα≥ⁿ MPEGAV/ENTRYSVD Γ∞σ±≥ε MPEG2/ENTRYVCD (Σδ  Ω≡ΦΓ√⌡ ∩≡εΦπ≡√Γα≥σδσΘ)
  150. CheckBoxSvcdHacked                                          =┬τδε∞αφε
  151. CheckBoxUpdateScanData                                      =╚±∩≡αΓδ ≥ⁿ scan data offsets(Φ±∩≡αΓδ σ≥ ∩ε≥εΩΦ MPEG2 τα∩Φ±αφφ√σ Γ ΩΦ≥αΘ±Ωε∞ ⌠ε≡∞α≥σ )
  152. CheckBoxUseCdiCfgFile                                       =╚±∩εδⁿτεΓα≥ⁿ ⌠αΘδ Ωεφ⌠Φπ≤≡α÷ΦΦ CD-i
  153. CheckBoxXmlOnly                                             =╤ετΣαΓα≥ⁿ ≥εδⁿΩε XML ⌠αΘδ
  154. CheckboxShowScanDataOffsetsWarning                          =╧εΩατ√Γα≥ⁿ ∩≡σΣ≤∩≡σµΣσφΦσ "ΓΩδ■≈Φ≥σ ≡σµΦ∞ scan data offsets"Σαµσ σ±δΦ ²≥ε≥ ≡σµΦ∞ ΓΩδ■≈σφ
  155. ClearEntryPoints                                            =╬≈Φ±≥Φ≥ⁿ Γ±╕
  156. CopyEntryPoints                                             =╩ε∩Φ≡εΓα≥ⁿ Γ±╕
  157. LabelAlbum                                                  =└δⁿßε∞
  158. LabelAlbumName                                              =╚∞ :
  159. LabelApplicationID                                          =╚─ ╧≡ΦδεµσφΦ :
  160. LabelApplicationsLocation                                   =╧α∩ΩΦ Γφσ°φΦ⌡ ∩≡ΦδεµσφΦΘ
  161. LabelAspectRatioCorrection                                  =╥┬(Ωε≡≡σΩ÷Φ  aspect ratio)
  162. LabelBlankCdrw                                              =╬≈Φ±≥Ωα CDRW
  163. LabelBurnCd                                                 =╟α∩Φ±α≥ⁿ εß≡ατ CUE ΦδΦ TOC 
  164. LabelCdImageOptions                                         =╬∩÷ΦΦ εß≡ατα CD
  165. LabelCdImageType                                            =╥Φ∩ εß≡ατα CD
  166. LabelCdReaderForceDriver                                    =╘ε≡±Φ≡εΓα≥ⁿ
  167. LabelCdTools                                                =╚φ±≥≡≤∞σφ≥√
  168. LabelCdWriter                                               =╧Φ°≤°ΦΘ ∩≡ΦΓεΣ:
  169. LabelCdWriterBuffer                                         =┴≤⌠⌠σ≡
  170. LabelCdWriterForceDriver                                    =╘ε≡±Φ≡εΓα≥ⁿ Σ≡αΘΓσ≡
  171. LabelCdWriterSpeed                                          =╤Ωε≡ε±≥ⁿ
  172. LabelCdi2336Files                                           =╬≥∞σ≈σφφ√σ ⌠αΘδ√ ß≤Σ≤≥ ΣεßαΓδσφ√ ΩαΩ ⌠αΘδ√ ± ±σΩ≥ε≡α∞Φ ∩ε 2336 ßαΘ≥ 
  173. LabelCdiCfgFile                                             =╘αΘδ√ Ωεφ⌠Φπ≤≡α÷ΦΦ CD-i:
  174. LabelCdiDndAndDel                                           =╧εΣΣσ≡µΦΓασ≥ ∩σ≡σ≥α±ΩΦΓαφΦσ ∩α∩εΩ Φ ⌠αΘδεΓ
  175. LabelCdiSupport                                             =╧εΣΣσ≡µΩα CD-i
  176. LabelCdrDaoSettingsReader                                   =╧≡ΦΓεΣ CD
  177. LabelCdrDaoSettingsWriter                                   =╧Φ°≤∙ΦΘ ∩≡ΦΓεΣ
  178. LabelChapterAt                                              =╤ετΣα≥ⁿ πδαΓ≤ Γ
  179. LabelChapterAtFrame                                         =╤ετΣα≥ⁿ πδαΓ≤ φα ΩαΣ≡σ
  180. LabelChapterEvery                                           =╤ετΣαΓα≥ⁿ πδαΓ≤ ΩαµΣ√σ
  181. LabelChapterEveryFrames                                     =╤ετΣαΓα≥ⁿ πδαΓ≤ ΩαµΣ√σ
  182. LabelChapterStartAtNumKey                                   =╧σ≡Γα  πδαΓα φα≈Φφασ≥±  ∩≡Φ φαµα≥ΦΦ φα Ωφε∩Ω≤
  183. LabelChapters                                               =├δαΓ√
  184. LabelChaptersOptions                                        =╬∩÷ΦΦ
  185. LabelCheck                                                  =╧≡εΓσ≡Φ≥ⁿ εßφεΓδσφΦσ
  186. LabelCommandLineArguments                                   =╩ε∞αφΣφα  ±≥≡εΩα
  187. LabelCreateBinSpace                                         =╙Σε±≥εΓσ≡≥σ±ⁿ Γ φαδΦ≈ΦΦ ±ΓεßεΣφεπε ∞σ±≥α!
  188. LabelDatToMpeg                                              =╧≡σεß≡ατεΓα≥ⁿ MPEG File ± ταπεδεΓΩε∞ RIFF (.dat ⌠αΘδ) Γ "φα±≥ε ∙ΦΘ" MPEG ⌠αΘδ
  189. LabelDatToMpegSpace                                         =╙Σε±≥εΓσ≡≥σ±ⁿ Γ φαδΦ≈ΦΦ ±ΓεßεΣφεπε ∞σ±≥α!
  190. LabelDefaultWaitAfter                                       =┬≡σ∞  εµΦΣαφΦ  ∩ε ≤∞εδ≈αφΦ■ ∩ε±δσ ΩαµΣεΘ ≈α±≥Φ/πδαΓ√
  191. LabelDiscInfo                                               =╧εΩατα≥ⁿ Φφ⌠ε≡∞α÷Φ■ ε CD
  192. LabelEntryPointsWarning                                     =┬φΦ∞αφΦσ: VCDEasy φσ ∩≡εΓεΣΦδ αφαδΦτ MPEG ⌠αΘδα Φ ²≥Φ Γ⌡εΣφ√σ ≥ε≈ΩΦ πδαΓ ∞επ≤≥ φσ ε≥≡αµα≥ⁿ ≥επε ≈≥ε Γ√ ∩εδ≤≈Φ≥σ ⌠ΦτΦ≈σ±ΩΦ
  193. LabelEquidistant                                            =≡αΓφε≤Σαδ╕φφ√⌡ ≈α±≥σΘ
  194. LabelEquidistantCreate                                      =╤ετΣα≥ⁿ
  195. LabelExecuteXml                                             =┬√∩εδφΦ≥ⁿ φα ε±φεΓσ S(VCD) XML ⌠αΘδα
  196. LabelExecuteXmlSpace                                        =╙Σε±≥εΓσ≡≥σ±ⁿ Γ φαδΦ≈ΦΦ ±ΓεßεΣφεπε ∞σ±≥α!
  197. LabelFrames                                                 =ΩαΣ≡√
  198. LabelInputImage                                             =┬⌡εΣφεΘ εß≡ατ
  199. LabelLeadoutPreGap                                          =╟αΣσ≡µΩα ∩σ≡σΣ Ωεφ÷ε∞
  200. LabelLog                                                    =╦επ
  201. LabelLogMessages                                            =╤εεß∙σφΦ  Γ δεπσ
  202. LabelLogSettings                                            =╦επ
  203. LabelMiscellaneousOptions                                   =╨ατφεσ
  204. LabelMonoSession                                            =(╥εδⁿΩε Σδ  εΣφε±σ±±Φεφφ√⌡ CD, ≥αΩΦ⌡ ΩαΩ SVCD)
  205. LabelMpegDurationInfo                                       =─δΦφα
  206. LabelMpegScanWarning                                        =╧≡σΣ≤∩≡σµΣσφΦ 
  207. LabelMpegTypeInfo                                           =╥Φ∩
  208. LabelMpegVideoStreamInfo                                    =┬ΦΣσε ∩ε≥εΩ
  209. LabelNavigationDefault                                      =╙∞εδ≈αφΦσ
  210. LabelNavigationKeyPressed                                   =╨σαΩ÷Φ  φα φαµα≥≤■ Ωφε∩Ω≤
  211. LabelNavigationNext                                         =─αδσσ
  212. LabelNavigationPlayItem                                     =╧≡εΦπ≡α≥ⁿ ∩≤φΩ≥
  213. LabelNavigationPlayTimes                                    =≡ατ
  214. LabelNavigationPrevious                                     =═αταΣ
  215. LabelNavigationReactivity                                   =╨σαΩ÷ΦΦ
  216. LabelNavigationReturn                                       =┬ετΓ≡α≥
  217. LabelNavigationSecondes                                     =±σΩ≤φΣ
  218. LabelNavigationThen                                         =≥ε
  219. LabelNavigationTimeout                                      =∩≡Φ ≥αΘ∞α≤≥σ
  220. LabelNotAvailableYet                                        =┼∙╕ φσ Σε±≥≤∩φε
  221. LabelOptionsMisc                                            =╨ατφεσ
  222. LabelOutputImageName                                        =╚∞  Γ√⌡εΣφεπε εß≡ατα
  223. LabelPBC                                                    =PBC
  224. LabelPlayerOptionMisc                                       =╨ατφεσ
  225. LabelPreferredTvSystem                                      =╦■ßΦ∞α  ±Φ±≥σ∞α ╥┬
  226. LabelProxy                                                  =╧≡εΩ±Φ
  227. LabelProxyPort                                              =╧ε≡≥ ∩≡εΩ±Φ
  228. LabelReadCd                                                 =╤ετΣαΓα≥ⁿ BIN εß≡ατ CD
  229. LabelRestriction                                            =╬π≡αφΦ≈σφΦσ Ωα≥σπε≡ΦΦ
  230. LabelRip                                                    =╨ατεß≡α≥ⁿ SVCD ΣΦ±Ω φα ±ε±≥αΓφ√σ ≈α±≥Φ
  231. LabelRipFrom                                                =╬≥Ω≤Σα:
  232. LabelRipXmlSpace                                            =╙Σε±≥εΓσ≡≥σ±ⁿ Γ φαδΦ≈ΦΦ ±ΓεßεΣφεπε ∞σ±≥α!
  233. LabelScanMpeg                                               =╤ΩαφΦ≡εΓα≥ⁿ MPEG ⌠αΘδ
  234. LabelStillBackgroundColor                                   =╓Γσ≥ ⌠εφα
  235. LabelStillDeleteTempFiles                                   =╙Σαδ ≥ⁿ Γ≡σ∞σφφ√σ ⌠αΘδ√
  236. LabelStillQualityMax                                        =╠αΩ±.
  237. LabelStillQualityMin                                        =╠Φφ.
  238. LabelStillResizeFilter                                      =╘Φδⁿ≥≡ ≡σ±αΘτα
  239. LabelStillType                                              =MPEG ≥Φ∩α ±≥ε∩-ΩαΣ≡
  240. LabelSvcdTrackFrontMargin                                   =╧σ≡σΣφσσ ∩εδσ Σε≡εµΩΦ
  241. LabelSvcdTrackRearMargin                                    =╟αΣφσσ ∩εδσ Σε≡εµΩΦ
  242. LabelTitleAbout                                             =╬ ∩≡επ≡α∞∞σ
  243. LabelTitleBuildRip                                          =(S)VCD ±ετΣα≥ⁿ/≡Φ∩Φ≥ⁿ
  244. LabelTitleBurn                                              =╚φ±≥≡≤∞σφ≥√ CDRDAO
  245. LabelTitleChapters                                          =├δαΓ√
  246. LabelTitleCredits                                           =╟απδαΓφ√σ ≥Φ≥≡√
  247. LabelTitleHistory                                           =╚±≥ε≡Φ 
  248. LabelTitleIsoFiles                                          =╘αΘδ√ Σδ  ΣεßαΓδσφΦ  Ω ⌠αΘδεΓεΘ ±Φ±≥σ∞σ CD ISO 9660 Level 1 (8.3)
  249. LabelTitleLabel                                             =├δαΓφα 
  250. LabelTitleLog                                               =╚φ⌠ε≡∞α÷Φ 
  251. LabelTitleMpegStills                                        =╤ετΣαφΦσ ±≥ε∩-ΩαΣ≡εΓ MPEG
  252. LabelTitleNavigation                                        =╥εφΩα  φα±≥≡εΘΩα Playback Control, φατφα≈σφφεπε ∩ε ≤∞εδ≈αφΦ■
  253. LabelTitleOptions                                           =╬∩÷ΦΦ
  254. LabelTitlePlayerOption                                      =╬∩÷ΦΦ Σδ  S(VCD) ∩≡εΦπ≡√Γα≥σδ  Φ ∩≡εσΩ≥εφσταΓΦ±Φ∞√σ ε∩÷ΦΦ
  255. LabelTitleXmlViewer                                         =╧ε±δσΣφΦΘ ±ετΣαφφ√Θ XML ΣεΩ≤∞σφ≥ 
  256. LabelTrackPreGap                                            =╟αΣσ≡µΩα ∩σ≡σΣ Σε≡εµΩεΘ
  257. LabelTypeVideoCD                                            =╥Φ∩ Video-CD
  258. LabelUnlockCdWriter                                         =╨ατßδεΩΦ≡εΓα≥ⁿ ∩Φ°≤∙ΦΘ ∩≡ΦΓεΣ
  259. LabelVcdTrackFrontMargin                                    =╧σ≡σΣφσσ ∩εδσ Σε≡εµΩΦ
  260. LabelVcdTrackRearMargin                                     =╟αΣφσσ ∩εδσ Σε≡εµΩΦ
  261. LabelVolumCount                                             =┬±σπε ≥ε∞εΓ
  262. LabelVolumNb                                                =═ε∞σ≡ ≥ε∞α
  263. LabelVolumeLabel                                            =╠σ≥Ωα ≥ε∞α
  264. LabelWaitSec                                                =±σΩ
  265. PasteEntryPoints                                            =┬±≥αΓΦ≥ⁿ
  266. PasteXtractorEntryPoints                                    =┬±≥αΓΦ≥ⁿ ΦτΓδσΩα≥σδⁿ ≈α±≥σΘ(±√≡√σ Σαφφ√σ)
  267. RadioButtonCreateBinFromReader                              =± CD ∩≡ΦΓεΣα
  268. RadioButtonCreateBinFromWriter                              =± ∩Φ°≤∙σπε ∩≡ΦΓεΣα
  269. RadioButtonDiscInfoFromReader                               =± CD ∩≡ΦΓεΣα
  270. RadioButtonDiscInfoFromWriter                               =± ∩Φ°≤∙σπε CD
  271. RadioButtonHigh                                             =┬√±εΩΦΘ
  272. RadioButtonLow                                              =═ΦτΩΦΘ
  273. RadioButtonNavigationPlay                                   =╚π≡α≥ⁿ
  274. RadioButtonNavigationPlayForever                            =╚π≡α≥ⁿ Γσ≈φε
  275. RadioButtonNavigationPlayOnce                               =╚π≡α≥ⁿ 1 ≡ατ
  276. RadioButtonNavigationReactivityDelayed                      =╨σαΩ÷Φ  ∩ε±δσ Ωεφ÷α φ√φσ Φπ≡ασ∞επε ⌠≡απ∞σφ≥α
  277. RadioButtonNavigationReactivityImmediate                    =═σ∞σΣδσφφε
  278. RadioButtonNavigationWait                                   =╞Σα≥ⁿ
  279. RadioButtonNavigationWaitInfinite                           =╞Σα≥ⁿ Γσ≈φε
  280. RadioButtonNormal                                           =╬ß√≈φε
  281. RadioButtonQuiet                                            =╥Φ⌡ε
  282. RadioButtonRipFromCdImage                                   =╘αΘδ εß≡ατα CD
  283. RadioButtonRipFromCdReader                                  =╧≡ΦΓεΣ CD
  284. RadioButtonRipFromCdWriter                                  =╧Φ°≤∙ΦΘ ∩≡ΦΓεΣ
  285. RadioButtonVerbose                                          =╧εΣ≡εßφε
  286. ResizeLinear                                                =╦ΦφσΘφα 
  287. ResizeLinear2                                               =╦ΦφσΘφα  2
  288. ResizeNearest                                               =┴δΦµαΘ°ΦΘ
  289. ResizeSpline                                                =╤∩δαΘφε∞
  290. TabSheetAbout                                               =╬ ∩≡επ≡α∞∞σ
  291. TabSheetBuildRip                                            =(S)VCD ±ετΣα≥ⁿ/≡Φ∩Φ≥ⁿ
  292. TabSheetBurn                                                =CDRDAO Φφ±≥≡≤∞σφ≥√
  293. TabSheetChapters                                            =├δαΓ√
  294. TabSheetCredits                                             =├δαΓφ√σ ≥Φ≥≡√
  295. TabSheetHistory                                             =╚±≥ε≡Φ 
  296. TabSheetIsoFiles                                            =╘αΘδ√ ISO
  297. TabSheetLog                                                 =╦επ
  298. TabSheetMain                                                =├δαΓφεσ
  299. TabSheetMpegStills                                          =╤≥ε∩-ΩαΣ≡√
  300. TabSheetNavigation                                          =╚φ≥σ≡αΩ≥ΦΓφε±≥ⁿ
  301. TabSheetOptions                                             =╬∩÷ΦΦ
  302. TabSheetPlayerOption                                        =(S)VCD ∩≡εΦπ≡√Γα≥σδⁿ
  303. TabSheetXmlViewer                                           =╧≡ε±∞ε≥≡ XML 
  304. URLLinkCdDevicesKnownToWork                                 =╨αßε≥α■∙Φσ CD ∩≡ΦΓεΣ√
  305. URLLinkCdrDaoDrivers                                        =┴εδⁿ°σ Φφ⌠ε≡∞α÷ΦΦ
  306. URLLinkCdrDaoDriversBis                                     =┴εδⁿ°σ Φφ⌠ε≡∞α÷ΦΦ
  308. ##################################### Added at version 1.1.1
  310. # ADDED:
  311. ButtonPrintSetupXmlViewer                                   =═α±≥≡. ∩σ≈α≥ⁿ
  312. ButtonPrintXmlViewer                                        =╧σ≈α≥ⁿ
  313. ButtonSaveTextOrRtf                                         =╤ε⌡≡αφΦ≥ⁿ
  315. ##################################### Added at version 1.1.2
  317. # REMOVED
  318. # CheckBoxStillRecursiveDrop
  319. # LabelLanguage
  321. # UPDATED
  322. LabelOutputImageFolder                                      =╧α∩Ωα Σδ  Γ√ΓεΣα Ωα≡≥ΦφεΩ(ε±≥αΓΦ≥ⁿ ∩≤±≥√∞ Σδ  ≥εΘ µσ ∩α∩ΩΦ ≈≥ε Φ Φ±⌡εΣφΦΩ)
  323. LabelTitleMpegScan                                          =╤ΩαφΦ≡εΓαφΦσ MPEG/∩≡σεß≡ατεΓαφΦσ DAT Γ MPEG
  324. TabSheetMpegScan                                            =╚φ±≥≡≤∞σφ≥√ MPEG
  326. # ADDED:
  327. ButtonClearLocationMjpegTools                               =╬≈Φ±≥Φ≥ⁿ
  328. ButtonClearSound                                            =╬≈Φ±≥Φ≥ⁿ
  329. ButtonLocationMjpegTools                                    =╬ßτε≡
  330. ButtonLocationSound                                         =╬ßτε≡
  331. ButtonStillInputSelectFiles                                 =╘αΘδ
  332. ButtonStillInputSelectFolder                                =╧α∩Ωα
  333. CheckBoxEnableSounds                                        =┬Ωδ■≈Φ≥ⁿ τΓ≤ΩΦ
  334. CheckBoxSetNewAsStill                                       =╧ε ≤∞εδ≈αφΦ■ Σσδα≥ⁿ ΣεßαΓδσφφ√σ ⌠αΘδ√ ΩαΩ MPEG ±≥ε∩-ΩαΣ≡√
  335. CheckBoxStillRecursiveSelectFolder                          =┬Ωδ■≈α  ∩εΣΣΦ≡σΩ≥ε≡ΦΦ
  336. DeleteSelectedEntryPoint                                    =╙ΣαδΦ≥ⁿ Γ√ß≡αφφεσ
  337. LabelSoundsConfigurationTitle                               =╟Γ≤ΩΦ
  338. LabelStillContinueOnErrors                                  =╧≡Φ ε°ΦßΩσ, ∩≡εΣεδµα≥ⁿ ßστ Γε∩≡ε±εΓ
  339. LabelWhyUnlockCdWriter                                      =╚φεπΣα φσεß⌡εΣΦ∞ε, ≈≥εß√ ∩ε±δσ φσ≤Σα≈φεΘ τα∩Φ±Φ ∞εµφε ß√δε Σε±≥α≥ⁿ ΣΦ±Ω
  340. MenuAutoCheckNewVersion                                     =&└Γ≥ε∞α≥Φ≈σ±ΩΦ ∩≡εΓσ≡ ≥ⁿ φαδΦ≈Φσ φεΓεΘ Γσ≡±ΦΦ
  341. MenuCheckNewVersion                                         =&╧≡εΓσ≡Φ≥ⁿ φαδΦ≈Φσ φεΓεΘ Γσ≡±ΦΦ
  342. MenuExit                                                    =┬√&⌡εΣ
  343. MenuFaqPage                                                 =╬φδαΘφεΓ√σ &╫α┬╬
  344. MenuGuidesPage                                              =╬φδαΘφεΓ√σ &≡≤ΩεΓεΣ±≥Γα
  345. MenuHeaderFile                                              =&╘αΘδ
  346. MenuHeaderHelp                                              =&╤∩≡αΓΩα
  347. MenuHeaderView                                              =&┬ΦΣ
  348. MenuLanguage                                                =&Language
  349. #REMOVED MenuNewProject                                              =&═εΓ√Θ ∩≡εσΩ≥
  350. MenuPageSetup                                               =╧α≡α∞σ≥≡√ c≥&≡αφΦ÷√
  351. MenuPrintXml                                                =&╧σ≈α≥ⁿ XML
  352. MenuReportBug                                               =╤εεß∙Φ≥ⁿ ε &πδ■Ωσ
  353. PasteSmartRipperEntryPoints                                 =┬±≥αΓΦ≥ⁿ SmartRipper
  354. #REMOVED TabSheetMiscSettings                                        =╟Γ≤ΩΦ
  355. ToolbarMain                                                 =╠σφ■
  357. ##################################### Added at version 1.1.3
  359. CheckBoxDisableBurnProof                                    =╬≥Ωδ■≈Φ≥ⁿ BURN Proof
  360. CheckBoxDisableReload                                       =╬≥Ωδ■≈Φ≥ⁿ "∩σ≡σταπ≡≤µα≥ⁿ CD ∩≡Φ φσεß⌡εΣΦ∞ε±≥Φ" (┬ ≥αΩε∞ ±δ≤≈ασ ≡σΩε∞σφΣ≤σ≥±  ⌠ε≡±Φ≡εΓα≥ⁿ τα∩Φ±ⁿ)
  361. MenuTipOfTheDay                                             =&╤εΓσ≥ Σφ  . . .
  362. LabelChapterCreate                                          =╤ετΣα≥ⁿ
  363. LabelChapterAtNew                                           =├δαΓα Γ
  364. LabelChapterAtFrameNew                                      =├δαΓα φα ΩαΣ≡σ
  365. LabelChapterEveryNew                                        =├δαΓα ΩαµΣ√σ
  366. LabelChapterEveryFramesNew                                  =├δαΓα ΩαµΣ√σ
  367. SaveEntryPointsAsPicture                                    =╤ετΣαΓα≥ⁿ Ωα≡≥ΦφΩΦ
  369. # PLEASE PUT A CAPITAL LETTRE AT "chinese" in CheckBoxUpdateScanData, IF NOT ALREADY THE CASE
  371. ##################################### Added at version 1.1.4
  374. TabSheetMiscSettings                                        =╨ατφεσ
  376. ButtonPlayerPositionGoTo                                    =Ok
  377. MenuProjectNew                                              =&═εΓ√Θ ∩≡εσΩ≥
  378. MenuProjectOpen                                             =&╬≥Ω≡√≥ⁿ ∩≡εσΩ≥
  379. MenuProjectSave                                             =&╤ε⌡≡αφΦ≥ⁿ
  380. MenuProjectSaveAs                                           =╤ε⌡≡αφΦ≥ⁿ ΩαΩ
  381. MenuCredits                                                 =┴δαπεΣα≡φε±≥Φ
  382. MenuHistory                                                 =&╚±≥ε≡Φ 
  386. #################################################################################################################################################################################
  388. [messages]
  390. "%s x %s" is not a valid resolution for "%s" encoded sequence      ="%s x %s" φσ  Γδ σ≥±  Σε∩≤±≥Φ∞√∞ ≡ατ≡σ°σφΦσ∞ Σδ  "%s"
  391. "%s" analyse failed                                                =└φαδΦτ "%s" φσ ≤Σαδ± 
  392. "%s" analyse succeeded                                             ="%s" ∩≡εαφαδΦτΦ≡εΓαφ ≤±∩σ°φε
  393. "%s" creation failed                                               =╤ετΣαφΦσ "%s" ∩≡εΓαδΦδε±ⁿ
  394. "%s" creation succeeded                                            =╤ετΣαφΦσ "%s" Γ√∩εδφσφε ≤±∩σ°φε
  395. "%s" execution cancelled                                           =╤ετΣαφΦσ "%s" ε≥∞σφσφε
  396. "%s" execution failed                                              =╬ß≡αßε≥Ωα "%s" ∩≡εΓαδΦδα±ⁿ
  397. "%s" execution succeeded                                           =╬ß≡αßε≥Ωα "%s" Γ√∩εδφσφα ≤±∩σ°φε
  398. "%s" found but it is not a version                                 ="%s" φαΘΣσφα, φε φσ φσ ≥α Γσ≡±Φ 
  399. "%s" found but the required dll "%s" is missing                    ="%s" φαΘΣσφα φε φσ≥ φ≤µφεΘ DLL ßΦßδΦε≥σΩΦ "%s" 
  400. "%s" must be in the folder "%s"                                    ="%s" Σεδµφα φα⌡εΣΦ≥±  Γ ∩α∩Ωσ "%s"
  401. "%s" not found                                                     ="%s" φσ φαΘΣσφα
  402. "%s" propagates the choice to all chapters of the current sequence ="%s" ∩≡Φ∞σφ σ≥ Γ√ß≡αφφεσ Ωε Γ±σ∞ πδαΓα∞ ≥σΩ≤∙σΘ ≈α±≥Φ
  403. "%s" propagates the choice to all chapters of the current sequence^or to all stills, depending on the current selected item="%s" ∩≡Φ∞σφ σ≥ Γ√ß≡αφφεσ Ωε Γ±σ∞ πδαΓα∞ ≥σΩ≤∙σΘ ≈α±≥Φ^ΦδΦ Ωε Γ±σ∞ ±≥ε∩-ΩαΣ≡α∞ MPEG, ±∞ε≥≡  ≈≥ε Γ√ß≡αφε
  404. "TV system" not found in the SmartRipper IFO information           =═σ φαΘΣσφε τφα≈σφΦσ "╥┬ ±Φ±≥σ∞α" Γ Φφ⌠ε≡∞α÷ΦΦ IFO ε≥ SmartRipper'α
  405. %s Output File                                                     =╘αΘδ %s
  406. %s conflict occured                                                =╩εφ⌠δΦΩ≥: %s
  407. %s conflicts occured                                               =╩εφ⌠δΦΩ≥√: %s
  408. %s disabled                                                        =%s ε≥Ωδ■≈σφε
  409. %s disabled in the %s settings page                                =%s  ε≥Ωδ■≈σφε φα ±≥≡αφΦ÷σ φα±≥≡εσΩ %s
  410. %s file                                                            =╘αΘδ %s
  411. %s file already exists... Confirm overwrite                        =╘αΘδ %s ≤µσ ±≤∙σ±≥Γ≤σ≥.╧εΣ≥Γσ≡ΣΦ≥σ ∩σ≡στα∩Φ±ⁿ
  412. %s requires %s files, not %s files                                 =%s ≥≡σß≤σ≥ %s ⌠αΘδεΓ α φσ %s
  413. %s settings                                                        =═αΘ±≥≡εΘΩΦ Σδ  %s
  414. %s success                                                         =╙±∩σ⌡ %s
  415. %s will only let you generates the^GNU VCDImager %s compliant XML file which describes the VideoCd=%s ∩ετΓεδ σ≥ Γα∞ ±ετΣα≥ⁿ ≥εδⁿΩε ^±εΓ∞σ±≥Φ∞√Θ ± GNU VCDImager %s ⌠αΘδ, ε∩Φ±√Γα■∙ΦΘ VideoCD
  416. (S)VCD                                                             =(S)VCD
  417. (in French or English)                                             =═α ⌠≡αφ÷≤τΩε∞ ΦδΦ αφπδΦΘ±Ωε∞
  418. A CD-RW is required                                                =╥≡σß≤σ≥±  ∩σ≡στα∩Φ±√Γασ∞√Θ CD
  419. A new version is available                                         =─ε±≥≤∩φα φεΓα  Γσ≡±Φ 
  420. A too high speed, even if burn succeeded,^may lead to jurky audio/video (S)VCD playback on your DVD Player=╤δΦ°Ωε∞ Γ√±εΩα  ±Ωε≡ε±≥ⁿ τα∩Φ±Φ^ ∞εµσ≥ ∩≡ΦΓσ±≥Φ Ω ∩δε⌡ε∞≤ ∩≡εΦπ≡√ΓαφΦ■ ΣΦ±Ωα φα ±≥α÷Φεφα≡φε∞ DVD ∩≡εΦπ≡√Γα≥σδσ
  421. #ASPI seems valid                                                   =ASPI Γ√πδ ΣΦ≥ πεΣφ√∞
  422. About                                                              =╬ ∩≡επ≡α∞∞σ
  423. According to the desktop size/Windows Font size you are using,^the display will not be optimal.=┬√ Φ±∩εδⁿτ≤σ≥σ φσ±≥αφΣα≡≥φ√σ φα±≥≡εΘΩΦ ≡ατ∞σ≡α ΣΦ±∩δσ /°≡Φ⌠≥εΓ^≡αßε≥α≥ⁿ ß≤Σσ≥ φσ≤Σεßφε
  424. Actually the exact meaning is not defined, and it is also player dependant!^NB: Most players actually ignore that value.=╥ε≈φεσ τφα≈σφΦσ φσ ε∩≡σΣσδσφε Φ ταΓΦ±Φ≥ ε≥ ∩≡εΦπ≡√Γα≥σδ ^NB:┴εδⁿ°Φφ±≥Γε ∩≡εΦπ≡√Γα≥σδσΘ Φπφε≡Φ≡≤■≥ ²≥ε τφα≈σφΦσ
  425. Adding MPEG Stills will be allowed in the next %s version          =─εßαΓδσφΦσ ±≥ε∩-ΩαΣ≡εΓ ß≤Σσ≥ Σε±≥≤∩φε Γ ±δσΣ≤■∙σΘ Γσ≡±ΦΦ %s
  426. After                                                              =╧ε±δσ
  427. All Files                                                          =┬±σ ⌠αΘδ√
  428. All Items                                                          =┬±σ ∩≤φΩ≥√
  429. All Supported Image Formats                                        =┬±σ ⌠ε≡∞α≥√ εß≡ατεΓ CD
  430. Always On Top                                                      =Γ±σπΣα φαΓσ≡⌡≤
  431. An "Access Point Sector", APS, is an MPEG video sector on the VCD/SVCD which is suitable to be jumped to directly="Access Point Sector", APS, ²≥ε ∩εΣ⌡εΣ ∙ΦΘ ±σΩ≥ε≡, ≈≥εß√ Γ φσπε ∞εµφε ß√δε ∩σ≡σ∞σ∙α≥± 
  432. An empty disk is required                                          =╥≡σß≤σ≥±  ≈Φ±≥√Θ ΣΦ±Ω
  433. An output folder is required                                       =╥≡σß≤σ≥±  ∩α∩Ωα Σδ  Γ√ΓεΣα 
  434. An output name is required                                         =╥≡σß≤σ≥±  Φ∞  Γ√⌡εΣφεπε ⌠αΘδα
  435. Approximate CD Size                                                =╧≡Φ∞σ≡φ√Θ ≡ατ∞σ≡ CD
  436. At this time, only motion videos are accepted                      =┬ Σαφφ√Θ ∞ε∞σφ≥ ∩εΣΣσ≡µΦΓασ≥±  ≥εδⁿΩε ΓΦΣσε, α φσ ±≥ε∩-ΩαΣ≡√
  437. Attention: one or more chapters have the same entry point          =┬φΦ∞αφΦσ:φσ±ΩεδⁿΩε πδαΓ Φ∞σ■≥ εß∙≤■ ≥ε≈Ω≤ Γ⌡εΣα
  438. Audio Stream                                                       =└≤ΣΦε∩ε≥εΩ
  439. Available Disk Space                                               =─ε±≥≤∩φεσ ∞σ±≥ε φα ΣΦ±Ωσ
  440. Available Hard Disk Space                                          =─ε±≥≤∩φεσ ∞σ±≥ε φα µ╕±≥Ωε∞ ΣΦ±Ωσ
  441. Be careful, a frame number is related to the sequence frame rate   =╬±≥ε≡εµφε, φε∞σ≡ ΩαΣ≡α ταΓΦ±Φ≥ ε≥ ΩεδΦ≈σ±≥Γα ΩαΣ≡εΓ Γ ±σΩ≤φΣ≤
  442. Be careful, this may lead to burning failure                       =╬±≥ε≡εµφε, ²≥ε ∞εµσ≥ ∩≡ΦΓσ±≥Φ Ω ε°ΦßΩσ ∩≡Φ τα∩Φ±Φ
  443. Be sure that some values are not bigger than the Mpeg duration     =╙Σε±≥εΓσ≡ⁿ≥σ±ⁿ, ≈≥ε φΦ εΣφε τφα≈σφΦσ φσ ßεδⁿ°σ ∩≡εΣεδµΦ≥σδⁿφε±≥Φ Γα°σπε MPEG
  444. Be sure that this value is not bigger than the Mpeg duration       =╙Σε±≥εΓσ≡ⁿ≥σ±ⁿ, ≈≥ε φΦ εΣφε τφα≈σφΦσ φσ ßεδⁿ°σ ∩≡εΣεδµΦ≥σδⁿφε±≥Φ Γα°σπε MPEG
  445. Before                                                             =╧σ≡σΣ
  446. Best Initial Size                                                  =╦≤≈°ΦΘ φα≈αδⁿφ√Θ ≡ατ∞σ≡
  447. Blanking the CDRW                                                  =╬≈Φ∙α■ ∩σ≡στα∩Φ±√Γασ∞√Θ ΣΦ±Ω
  448. CDR Devices Scanning                                               =╧≡εΓσ≡ ■ φαδΦ≈Φσ ∩Φ°≤∙Φ⌡ ∩≡ΦΓεΣεΓ
  449. CDRDAO support is disabled                                         =╧εΣΣσµΩα CDRDAO ε≥Ωδ■≈σφα
  450. CDRDAO will not accept to burn the VideoCD,^Change the CD image type to "CDRDAO TOC" if you really want to burn it=CDRDAO φσ ∩≡Φ∞σ≥ Ω τα∩Φ±Φ VideoCD,^Φτ∞σφΦ≥σ ≥Φ∩ εß≡ατα φα "CDRDAO TOC", σ±δΦ ΣσΘ±≥ΓΦ≥σδⁿφε ⌡ε≥Φ≥σ τα∩Φ±α≥ⁿ ΣΦ±Ω
  451. CUE file with more burning directives                              =CUE ⌠αΘδ ± Σε∩εδφΦ≥σδⁿφ√∞Φ ΣΦ≡σΩ≥ΦΓα∞Φ τα∩Φ±Φ
  452. CUE file with the minimum required burning directives              =CUE ⌠αΘδ ± ∞ΦφΦ∞αδⁿφ√∞Φ ΣΦ≡σΩ≥ΦΓα∞Φ τα∩Φ±Φ
  453. Cancel                                                             =╬≥∞σφα
  454. Cancel done                                                        =╧≡ε÷σ±± ε≥∞σφ╕φ
  455. Cancelling                                                         =╬≥∞σφ ■ . . .
  456. Chapters will be too closed together                               =├δαΓ√ ß≤Σ≤≥ ±δΦ°Ωε∞ ßδΦτΩε Σ≡≤π Ω Σ≡≤π≤
  457. Check first that it is not an elementary video or audio stream only, a multiplexed program stream is required=╙Σε±≥αΓσ≡≥σ±ⁿ ≈≥ε ²≥ε "program stream" Φ εφ ±εΣσ≡µΦ≥ ΩαΩ ΓΦΣσε ≥αΩ Φ α≤ΣΦε,α φσ "elementary stream" ± ≈σ∞-≥ε εΣφΦ∞
  458. Checked means Sequence / UnChecked means Picture                   =╙±≥αφεΓδσφφα  παδε≈Ωα ετφα≈ασ≥ ≈α±≥ⁿ, φσ≤±≥αφεΓδσφφα  - ±≥ε∩-ΩαΣ≡
  459. Checking if CDR/CDRW is empty                                      =╧≡εΓσ≡ ■, ∩≤±≥α  δΦ ßεδΓαφΩα
  460. Choose the CD Image Type "CDRDAO TOC" instead, or change the BIN file path/name=╚τ∞σφΦ≥σ ≥Φ∩ εß≡ατα φα "CDRDAO TOC" , ΦδΦ Φτ∞σφΦ≥σ Φ∞ /∩≤≥ⁿ Ω ⌠αΘδ≤ BIN
  461. Comma(s) and "&&" in filenames are not allowed                     =╟α∩ ≥√σ Φ α∞∩σ≡±αφΣ√ ("&&") φσ Σε∩≤±≥Φ∞√ Γ Φ∞σφα⌡ ⌠αΘδεΓ
  462. Creating CD Image file                                             =╤ετΣα■ ⌠αΘδ εß≡ατα CD
  463. DEL to remove a File                                               =═αµ∞Φ≥σ DEL ≈≥εß√ ≤ΣαδΦ≥ⁿ ⌠αΘδ
  464. DEL to remove a File/Folder                                        =═αµ∞Φ≥σ DEL ≈≥εß√ ≤ΣαδΦ≥ⁿ ⌠αΘδ ΦδΦ ∩α∩Ω≤
  465. Deleting "%s" file                                                 =╙Σαδ ■ ⌠αΘδ "%s"
  466. Deleting temporary "%s" file                                       =╙Σαδ ■ Γ≡σ∞σφφ√Θ ⌠αΘδ  "%s"
  467. Depending on your (S)VCD player, PBC may be needed to navigate chapters=PBC ∞εµσ≥ ß√≥ⁿ φσεß⌡εΣΦ∞, ≈≥εß√ ≡αßε≥αδα φαΓΦπα÷Φ  ∩ε πδαΓα∞(ταΓΦ±Φ≥ ε≥ ∞εΣσδΦ Γα°σπε S(VCD) ∩≡εΦπ≡√Γα≥σδ 
  468. Distribution                                                       =╨α±∩≡ε±≡αφσφΦσ
  469. Do you really want to erase the CD ?                               =┬√ ΣσΘ±≥ΓΦ≥σδⁿφε ⌡ε≥Φ≥σ ε≈Φ±≥Φ≥ⁿ CD?
  470. Do you want to add this file anyway ?                              =┬√ Γ±╕ ≡αΓφε ⌡ε≥Φ≥σ ΣεßαΓΦ≥ⁿ ²≥ε≥ ⌠αΘδ?
  471. Do you want to continue ?                                          =╧≡εΣεδµα≥ⁿ?
  472. Do you want to see it ?                                            =┬√ ⌡ε≥Φ≥σ σπε ≤ΓΦΣσ≥ⁿ?
  473. Do you want to see the FAQ now ?                                   =┬√ ⌡ε≥Φ≥σ ≤ΓΦΣσ≥ⁿ ╫α┬╬?
  474. Do you want to see them ?                                          =┬√ ⌡ε≥Φ≥σ Φ⌡ ≤ΓΦΣσ≥ⁿ?
  475. Don't ask me again                                                 =┴εδⁿ°σ φσ ±∩≡α°ΦΓα≥ⁿ 
  476. Don't show this message again                                      =┴εδⁿ°σ φσ ∩εΩατ√Γα≥ⁿ ²≥ε ±εεß∙σφΦσ
  477. Download Page                                                      =╤≥≡αφΦ÷α ταπ≡≤τΩΦ
  478. Drag a file to change its position                                 =╧σ≡σ≥ φΦ≥σ ⌠αΘδ, ≈≥εß√ Φτ∞σφΦ≥ⁿ σπε ∩ετΦ÷Φ■
  479. Duration                                                           =╧≡εΣεδµΦ≥σδⁿφε±≥ⁿ
  480. Editable                                                           =╨σΣαΩ≥Φ≡≤σ∞ε
  481. End offset                                                         =╩εφσ≈φεσ ±∞σ∙σφΦσ
  482. Error while parsing the XML document.                              =╬°ΦßΩα εß≡αßε≥ΩΦ XML ΣεΩ≤∞σφ≥α
  483. Even with a 0 sec wait time, the transition between sequences may not be smooth=─αµσ ∩≡Φ ταΣσ≡µΩσ Γ φεδⁿ ±σΩ≤φΣ, Γε±∩≡εΦτΓσΣσφΦσ ∞σµΣ≤ ≈α±≥ ∞Φ ∞εµσ≥ φσ ß√≥ⁿ ∩δαΓφ√∞
  484. Even with a 0 sec wait time, the transition between tracks may not be smooth=─αµσ ∩≡Φ ταΣσ≡µΩσ Γ φεδⁿ ±σΩ≤φΣ, Γε±∩≡εΦτΓσΣσφΦσ ∞σµΣ≤ Σε≡εµΩα∞Φ ∞εµσ≥ φσ ß√≥ⁿ ∩δαΓφ√∞
  485. Event Disabled                                                     =╤εß√≥Φσ ε≥Ωδ■≈σφε
  486. Existing CD data will not be recoverable after the blank           =╤≤∙σ±≥Γ≤■∙Φσ Σαφφ√σ ß≤Σ≤≥ ≤φΦ≈≥εµσφ√ ∩≡Φ ε≈Φ±≥Ωσ
  487. Final Size                                                         =╩εφσ≈φ√Θ ≡ατ∞σ≡
  488. For example, allow to unlock the CD Writer after a failed write    =╧ετΓεδ σ≥ ±φ ≥ⁿ ßδεΩΦ≡εΓΩ≤ ∩≡ΦΓεΣα,φα∩≡Φ∞σ≡ ∩ε±δσ φσ≤Σα≈φεΘ τα∩Φ±Φ
  489. Forbidden                                                          =╟α∩≡σ∙σφε
  490. Force execution of writing operations                              =╘ε≡±Φ≡εΓα≥ⁿ τα∩≤±Ω ε∩σ≡α÷ΦΘ τα∩Φ±Φ
  491. Front margin for sequence items.^Default is 0 for Super Video CD 1.0=╧σ≡σΣφσσ ∩εδσ Σδ  ≈α±≥σΘ^╤επδα±φε ±≥αφΣα≡≥≤ SVCD-1.0 ±ε±≥αΓδ σ≥ 0
  492. Front margin for sequence items.^For Video CD 1.0/1.1/2.0 it should be at least 15 sectors long.^Default is 30 for Video CD 1.0/1.1/2.0, otherwise 0=╧σ≡σΣφσσ ∩εδσ Σδ  ≈α±≥σΘ^╤επδα±φε ±≥αφΣα≡≥α∞ VCD-1.0/1.1/2.0 ±ε±≥αΓδ σ≥ 15 ±σΩ≥ε≡εΓ, ∩ε ≤∞εδ≈αφΦ■ 30.^─δ  ∩≡ε≈Φ⌡ - 0
  493. GNU VCDImager only accepts/analyzes multiplexed program streams (video AND audio streams) and MPEG Stills=VCDImager ∩≡ΦφΦ∞ασ≥ ≥εδⁿΩε ∞≤δⁿ≥Φ∩δσΩ±Φ≡εΓαφφ√σ ∩ε≥εΩΦ(≥α∞ πΣσ ΓΦΣσε Φ α≤ΣΦε Γ∞σ±≥σ) Φ ±≥ε∩-ΩαΣ≡√
  494. Generated                                                          =╤ετΣαφ
  495. Generating the (internally computed) XML file                      =╤ετΣα■ XML ⌠αΘδ(Γφ≤≥≡σφφσ ±ετΣαφφ√Θ)
  496. Generating the (internally computed) XML file and preparing its display=╤ετΣα■ XML ⌠αΘδ Φ πε≥εΓδ■ ΣΦ±∩δσΘ
  497. Generating the XML file                                            =╤ετΣα■ XML ⌠αΘδ
  498. Getting the CD info                                                =╧εδ≤≈α■ Φφ⌠ε≡∞α÷Φ■ ε CD
  499. Go                                                                 =╧εσ⌡αδΦ!
  500. Go to the "settings" page to enable it                             =▌≥ε ΓΩδ■≈ασ≥±  φα ±≥≡αφΦ÷σ "φα±≥≡εΘΩΦ"
  501. Guide                                                              =╨≤ΩεΓεΣ±≥Γε
  502. Home Page                                                          =─ε∞α°φ   ±≥≡αφΦ÷α
  503. If the MPEG file does not have regular MPEG sequence headers throughout the file (e.g., before each GOP),=┼±δΦ Γ ⌠αΘδσ φσ≥ εß√≈φ√⌡ ταπεδεΓΩεΓ MPEG, φα∩Φ≡∞σ≡ ∩σ≡σΣ ΩαµΣ√∞ GOP
  504. If you overwrite this default assignment, VCDEasy will not update it anymore.^...so be careful if you add some chapters or sequences later.=┼±δΦ Γ√ ∩σ≡στα∩Φ°Φ≥σ ≡α±∩≡σΣσδσφΦσ ∩ε ≤∞εδ≈αφΦ■, VCDEasy ßεδⁿ°σ φσ ±≥αφσ≥ σπε εßφεΓδ ≥ⁿ.^╧ε∞φΦ≥σ εß ²≥ε∞, σ±δΦ ß≤Σσ≥σ ΣεßαΓδ ≥ⁿ σ∙╕ ≈α±≥Φ ΦδΦ πδαΓ√ 
  505. If you overwrite this default numeric keys assignment, VCDEasy will not fill/update it anymore.^...so be careful if you add some chapters to this sequence later.=┼±δΦ Γ√ ∩σ≡στα∩Φ°Φ≥σ ≡α±∩≡σΣσδσφΦσ ∩ε ≤∞εδ≈αφΦ■ φα Ωφε∩ΩΦ ± ÷Φ⌠≡α∞Φ, VCDEasy ßεδⁿ°σ φσ ±≥αφσ≥ σπε εßφεΓδ ≥ⁿ.^╧ε∞φΦ≥σ εß ²≥ε∞, σ±δΦ ß≤Σσ≥σ ΣεßαΓδ ≥ⁿ σ∙╕ πδαΓ√ Γ ²≥≤ ≈α±≥ⁿ
  506. Import Chapters                                                    =╚∞∩ε≡≥ πδαΓ
  507. In relaxing the APS constraints, every sector containing an I-frame will also be regarded as an APS.^This increases the number of potential entry points.=═σ ±εßδ■Σα  επ≡αφΦ≈σφΦ  APS,ΩαµΣ√Θ ±σΩ≥ε≡ ± I-ΩΣα≡ε∞ ß≤Σσ≥ ±≈Φ≥α≥ⁿ±  APS.^▌≥ε ≤ΓσδΦ≈ΦΓασ≥ ΩεδΦ≈σ±≥Γε Γετ∞εµφ√⌡ ≥ε≈σΩ Γ⌡εΣα
  508. Increase your desktop size to have a better display.               =╙ΓσδΦ≈≥σ ≡ατ∞σ≡ Γα°σπε ≡αßε≈σπε ±≥εδα, ≈≥εß√ ß√δε ≤Σεßφσσ ≡αßε≥α≥ⁿ
  509. Information used to determine which "invisible" sequence^to add when authoring a (S)VCD with MPEG Stills only=╚φ⌠ε≡∞α÷Φ , ≈≥εß√ ε∩≡σΣσδΦ≥ⁿ ΩαΩ≤■ "φσΓΦΣΦ∞≤■" ^ ΣεßαΓΦ≥ⁿ ∩≡Φ ±ετΣαφΦΦ (S)VCD ≥εδⁿΩε ±ε ±≥ε∩-ΩαΣ≡α∞Φ
  510. Input Picture                                                      =┬⌡εΣφα  Ωα≡≥ΦφΩα
  511. Internal Xml Generator                                             =┬φ≤≥≡σφφΦΘ πσφσ≡α≥ε≡ XML
  512. Invalid %s filename                                                =═σ∩≡αΓΦδⁿφεσ Φ∞  ⌠αΘδα Σδ  %s
  513. Invalid MPEG file, seems to be a ".dat" file renamed to ".mpg"     =═σ∩≡αΓΦδⁿφ√Θ MPEG ⌠αΘδ.╧ε⌡εµσ, ≈≥ε ²≥ε DAT ⌠αΘδ, ∩σ≡σΦ∞σφεΓαφφ√Θ Γ MPEG
  514. Invalid picture file                                               =═σ∩≡αΓΦδⁿφ√Θ ⌠αΘδ Ωα≡≥ΦφΩΦ
  515. IsoLength                                                          =─δΦφα ISO
  516. IsoName                                                            =╚∞  ISO
  517. IsoTreePath                                                        =╧≤≥ⁿ Σσ≡σΓα ISO
  518. It can be useful if you experience problems with CDRDAO/ASPI.      =▌≥ε ∞εµσ≥ ∩≡ΦπεΣΦ≥± , σ±δΦ ≤ Γα± ∩≡εßδσ∞√ ± CDRDAO/ASPI
  519. It is highly recommended to let "%s" as default driver             =═α±≥ε ≥σδⁿφε ≡σΩε∞σφΣ≤σ≥±  ε±≥αΓΦ≥ⁿ "%s" ΩαΩ Σ≡αΘΓσ≡ ∩ε ≤∞εδ≈αφΦ■
  520. KB                                                                 =K┴
  521. Key                                                                =╩δ■≈
  522. Last Modified                                                      =╧ε±δσΣφΦσ Φτ∞σφσφΦ 
  523. Log                                                                =╦επ
  524. MB                                                                 =╠┴
  525. MPEG file not analysed                                             =MPEG ⌠αΘδ φσ ß√δ ∩≡εαφαδΦτΦ≡εΓαφ
  526. MPEG%s Video/Picture files                                         =MPEG%s ⌠αΘδ√ ± ΓΦΣσε/Ωα≡≥ΦφΩα∞Φ
  527. MV (Mpeg Video)                                                    =MV (MPEG Video)
  528. Mail suggestions and bug reports to                                =╧≡σΣδεµσφΦ  Φ ±εεß∙σφΦσ εß ε°ΦßΩα⌡ °δΦ≥σ ∩ε αΣ≡σ±≤:
  529. Mandatory for 99min CDR                                            =╬ß τα≥σδⁿφε Σδ  99-∞Φφ≤≥φ√⌡ CD
  530. Mpeg Information                                                   =╚φ⌠ε≡∞α÷Φ  MPEG
  531. Mpeg Size (Quality)                                                =╨ατ∞σ≡/╩α≈σ±≥Γε MPEG
  532. Mpeg Still(s) creation succeeded                                   =╤≥ε∩-ΩαΣ≡ MPEG ≤±∩σ°φε ±ετΣαφ
  533. NB: Burn is not available when the output is XML only              =NB: ╟α∩Φ±ⁿ φσΣε±≥≤∩φα, σ±δΦ ±ετΣαφ ≥εδⁿΩε XML
  534. NB: CDRDAO does not support USB cd writers/readers...              =NB: CDRDAO φσ ∩εΣΣσ≡µΦΓασ≥ τα∩Φ±√Γα■∙Φσ Φ ≈Φ≥α■∙Φσ USB ∩≡ΦΓεΣ√
  535. NB: Detailled CUE files may be incompatible with Fireburner        =NB: ╧εΣ≡εßφ√σ CUE ⌠αΘδ√ ∞επ≤≥ ß√≥ⁿ φσ±εΓ∞σ±≥Φ∞√ ± Fireburner'ε∞
  536. NB: It is better to put the MPEG sequence headers in your MPEG stream rather than to force VCDImager to use this option.=NB: ╦≤≈°σ ∩ε∞σ∙α≥ⁿ ταπεδεΓΩΦ ≈α±≥σΘ Γ MPEG ∩ε≥εΩ, ≈σ∞ Φ±∩εδⁿτεΓα≥ⁿ ²≥≤ ε∩÷Φ■
  537. NB: These CUE files are compatible with Fireburner                 =NB: ▌≥Φ CUE ⌠αΘδ√ ±εΓ∞σ±≥Φ∞√ ± Fireburner
  538. NB: You may encounter burning problems...                          =NB: ╙ Γα± ∞επ≤≥ ß√≥ⁿ ∩≡εßδσ∞√ ± τα∩Φ±ⁿ■
  539. Name                                                               =╚∞ 
  540. Network files "\\server\share\..." are not allowed                 =═σδⁿτ  Φ±∩εδⁿτεΓα≥ⁿ ±σ≥σΓ√σ ⌠αΘδ√ "\\±σ≡Γσ≡\∩α∩Ωα\..."
  541. News                                                               =═εΓεΓε±≥Φ
  542. No                                                                 =═σ≥
  543. No %s                                                              =═σ≥ %s
  544. No Aspi Device Selected                                            =═σ Γ√ß≡αφε ASPI ≤±≥≡εΘ±≥Γε
  545. No CD Reader Selected                                              =═σ Γ√ß≡αφ ∩≡ΦΓεΣ CD
  546. No CD Writer Selected                                              =═σ Γ√ß≡αφ ∩Φ∙≤∙ΦΘ ∩≡ΦΓεΣ
  547. #No CD Writer/Reader found or ASPI layer not installed              =═σ Γ√ß≡αφ ∩Φ∙≤∙ΦΘ ∩≡ΦΓεΣ ΦδΦ φσ ≤±≥αφεΓδσφ√ ASPI Σ≡αΘΓσ≡α
  548. No CD Writer/reader found or ASPI drivers problem                  =═σ Γ√ß≡αφ ∩Φ∙≤∙ΦΘ ∩≡ΦΓεΣ ΦδΦ ASPI Σ≡αΘΓσ≡α φσΩε≡≡σΩ≥φε ≡αßε≥α■≥
  549. No more than a total of %s entrypoints can be referenced in a (S)VCD=═σ ßεδσσ ≈σ∞ %s Γ⌡εΣφ√⌡ ≥ε≈σΩ ∞εµσ≥ ß√≥ⁿ φατφα≈σφε Σδ  (S)VCD
  550. No more than a total of %s segments can be used                    =═σ ßεδσσ ≈σ∞ %s ±σπ∞σφ≥εΓ ∞εµσ≥ ß√≥ⁿ Φ±∩εδⁿτεΓαφε Γ (S)VCD
  551. No more than a total of %s sequences can be used                   =═σ ßεδσσ ≈σ∞ %s ≈α±≥σΘ ∞εµσ≥ ß√≥ⁿ Φ±∩εδⁿτεΓαφε Γ (S)VCD
  552. No new version available at this time                              =┼∙╕ φσ≥ φεΓεΘ Γσ≡±ΦΦ
  553. Non quick blank can takes up to 60 minutes                         =╬ß√≈φα  ε≈Φ±≥Ωα ∞εµσ≥ ταφ ≥ⁿ Σε 60 ∞Φφ≤≥
  554. Not Analysed                                                       =═σ ∩≡εαφαδΦτΦ≡εΓαφ
  555. Not Available                                                      =═σ Σε±≥≤∩σφ
  556. Not enough Disk Space on %s                                        =═σΣε±≥α≥ε≈φε ±ΓεßεΣφεπε ∞σ±≥α φα %s
  557. Note that in all cases, you can not force a chapter entry point and being sure that the chapter will be physically at this point.=┬ δ■ßε∞ ±δ≤≈ασ, ⌠ε≡±Φ≡≤  φατφα≈σφΦσ Γ⌡εΣφεΘ ≥ε≈ΩΦ, Γ√ ≥ε≈φε φσ τφασ≥σ, ß≤Σσ≥ δΦ εφα Φ∞σφφε φα ²≥ε∞ ∞σ±≥σ
  558. Note that you can use %s, %s or %s to burn the VCDEasy generated BIN/CUE files...=╫≥εß√ τα∩Φ±α≥ⁿ ±ετΣαφφ√σ VCDEasy BIN/CUE ⌠αΘδ√, Γ√ ∞εµσ≥σ Φ±∩εδⁿτεΓα≥ⁿ %s, %s ΦδΦ %s 
  559. Number of possible chapter entry points                            =╩εδΦ≈σ±≥Γε Γετ∞εµφ√⌡ ≥ε≈σΩ Γ⌡εΣα Σδ  πδαΓ√
  560. One or more non valid chapter entry point found                    =═αΘΣσφα εΣφα ΦδΦ ßεδσσ φσ∩≡αΓΦδⁿφ√⌡ ≥ε≈σΩ Γ⌡εΣα Γ πδαΓ≤
  561. Only motion videos and MPEG stills (pictures) are accepted         =─ε∩≤±≥Φ∞√ ≥εδⁿΩε ΓΦΣσε⌠αΘδ√ Φ ±≥ε∩-ΩαΣ≡√ MPEG
  562. Ordered MPEG%s Video files                                         =╟αΩαταφ√ ΓΦΣσε⌠αΘδ√ MPEG%s
  563. Ordered MPEG%s files                                               =╟αΩαταφ√ ⌠αΘδ√ MPEG%s
  564. Origin                                                             =═α≈αδε
  565. Output Directory                                                   =╧α∩Ωα Σδ  Γ√ΓεΣα
  566. Paste supports VCDEasy, SmartRipper, ChapterXtractor and TMPGEnc time format=┬±≥αΓΩα ∩εΣΣσ≡µΦΓασ≥ ⌠ε≡∞α≥√ Γ≡σ∞σφΦ VCDEasy, SmartRipper, ChapterXtractor Φ TMPGEnc
  567. Path                                                               =╧≤≥ⁿ
  568. Performing check for new version available                         =╧≡εΓσ≡ ■ φαδΦ≈Φσ φεΓεΘ Γσ≡±ΦΦ
  569. Play                                                               =╧≡εΦπ≡α≥ⁿ
  570. Please be sure that this file is not ReadOnly                      =╙Σε±≥εΓσ≡ⁿ≥σ±ⁿ, ≈≥ε ⌠αΘδ φσ Φ∞σσ≥ α≥≡Φß≤≥α "≥εδⁿΩε Σδ  ≈≥σφΦ "
  571. Please check the filename                                          =╧εµαδ≤Θ±≥α, ∩≡εΓσ≡ⁿ≥σ Φ∞  ⌠αΘδα
  572. Please confirm...                                                  =╧εΣ≥Γσ≡ΣΦ≥σ
  573. Please enter a %s filename                                         =┬ΓσΣΦ≥σ Φ∞  ⌠αΘδα %s
  574. Please increase the Mpeg Size [Quality]                            =╙ΓσδΦ≈ⁿ≥σ ≡ατ∞σ≡/Ωα≈σ±≥Γε 
  575. Please read the VCDEasy FAQ before reporting a bug                 =╧εµαδ≤Θ±≥α, ∩≡ε≈Φ≥αΘ≥σ VCDEasy ╫α┬╬ ∩σ≡σΣ ≥σ∞, ΩαΩ ±εεß∙α≥ⁿ εß ε°ΦßΩσ
  576. Please wait                                                        =╧εµαδ≤Θ±≥α µΣΦ≥σ
  577. Please wait while adding the files                                 =╧εµαδ≤Θ±≥α µΣΦ≥σ, ∩εΩα ΣεßαΓδ ■≥±  ⌠αΘδ√
  578. Please wait while cancelling                                       =╧εµαδ≤Θ±≥α µΣΦ≥σ, ε≥∞σφ ■ . . .
  579. Please wait while finilazing the CD                                =╧εµαδ≤Θ±≥α µΣΦ≥σ, ταΩ≡√Γα■ ΣΦ±Ω . . .
  580. Please wait while scanning the MPEG file                           =╧εµαδ≤Θ±≥α µΣΦ≥σ, ±ΩαφΦ≡≤■ MPEG ⌠αΘδ
  581. Please wait while scanning the MPEG files                          =╧εµαδ≤Θ±≥α µΣΦ≥σ, ±ΩαφΦ≡≤■ MPEG ⌠αΘδ√
  582. Please, add at least one MPEG file                                 =╧εµαδ≤Θ±≥α, ΣεßαΓⁿ≥σ ⌡ε≥  ß√ εΣΦφ ⌠αΘδ
  583. Pos                                                                =╧ετΦ÷Φ 
  584. Read the very good %s to understand how (S)VCD chapters works      =╫≥εß√ ≤τφα≥ⁿ, ΩαΩ ≤±≥≡εσφ√ Φ ≡αßε≥α■≥ πδαΓ√ (S)VCD, ≈Φ≥αΘ≥σ  τα∞σ≈α≥σδⁿφ≤■ %s
  585. Rear margin for sequence items.^Default is 0 for Super Video CD 1.0=╟αΣφσσ ∩εδσ Σδ  ∩≤φΩ≥εΓ ∩ε±δσΣεΓα≥σδⁿφε±≥Φ.^─δ  SVCD ∩ε ≤∞εδ≈αφΦ■ 0
  586. Rear margin for sequence items.^For Video CD 1.0/1.1/2.0 it should be at least 15 sectors long.^Default is 45 for Video CD 1.0/1.1/2.0, otherwise 0=╧σ≡σΣφσσ ∩εδσ Σδ  ≈α±≥σΘ^╤επδα±φε ±≥αφΣα≡≥α∞ VCD-1.0/1.1/2.0 ±ε±≥αΓδ σ≥ ⌡ε≥  ß√ 15 ±σΩ≥ε≡εΓ, ∩ε ≤∞εδ≈αφΦ■ 45.─δ  ∩≡ε≈Φ⌡ - 0
  587. Remove them or choose VCD2.0                                       =╙ßσ≡Φ≥σ Φ⌡, ΦδΦ Γ√ßσ≡Φ≥σ VCD 2.0
  588. Reset actions to defaults                                          =╤ß≡ε±Φ≥ⁿ ΣσΘ±≥ΓΦ  φα ≤±≥αφεΓΩΦ ∩ε ≤∞εδ≈αφΦ■
  589. Reset actions to defaults for:                                     =╤ß≡ε±Φ≥ⁿ ΣσΘ±≥ΓΦ  φα ≤±≥αφεΓΩΦ ∩ε ≤∞εδ≈αφΦ■ Σδ :
  590. Rigth Click to have the Popup menu                                 =╧≡αΓ√Θ ∙σδ≈εΩ Σδ  Γ√τεΓα Γ±∩δ√Γα■∙σπε ∞σφ■
  591. Ripping %s                                                         =╨Φ∩α■ %s
  592. Same as "%s" but when pbc interpretation enabled,^then start the next disc at the second pbc list instead of the first one.=╥ε µσ ±α∞εσ,≈≥ε Φ "%s" , φε ΩεπΣα Γ√Ωδ■≈σφα Φφ≥σ≡∩≡σ≥α÷Φ  PBC,^≥ε τα∩≤±Ωα≥ⁿ ±δσΣ≤■∙ΦΘ ΣΦ±Ω Γ PBC 2 Γ∞σ±≥ε PBC 1.
  593. Scanning %s                                                        =╤ΩαφΦ≡≤■ %s
  594. See "%s" in the %s FAQ file (in the %s folder)                     =╤∞. "%s" Γ ╫α┬╬ %s Γ ∩α∩Ωσ %s
  595. See the detailled log                                              =╤∞. ∩εΣ≡εßφ√Θ δεπ
  596. Select Directory                                                   =┬√ßσ≡Φ≥σ ∩α∩Ω≤
  597. Select Directory For Content                                       =┬√ßσ≡Φ≥σ ∩α∩Ω≤ Σδ  ±εΣσ≡µΦ∞επε
  598. Selected Item                                                      =┬√ß≡αφφεσ
  599. Sequence Duration and/or video type must be known, so "%s" must be checked, to have access to this=╧≡εΣεδµΦ≥σδⁿφε±≥ⁿ ≈α±≥Φ Φ ≥Φ∩ ΓΦΣσε Σεδµφ√ ß√≥ⁿ ΦτΓσ±≥φ√, ε≥±■Σα, ≈≥εß√ Φ∞σ≥ⁿ Ω ²≥ε∞≤ Σε±≥≤∩ "%s" Σεδµφα ß√≥ⁿ ε≥∞σ≈σφα
  600. Set first chapter to numeric key                                   =╙±≥αφεΓΦ≥ⁿ ∩σ≡Γ≤■ ≈α±≥ⁿ φα Ωφε∩Ω≤ ± ÷Φ⌠≡εΘ
  601. Settings                                                           =═α±≥≡εΘΩΦ
  602. Size                                                               =╨ατ∞σ≡
  603. So no display...                                                   =╟φα≈Φ≥ φσ≥ ²Ω≡αφα . . .
  604. Some drivers may seem to work (burn succeeded)^but may lead to unreadable CDR or^jurky audio/video (S)VCD playback on your DVD Player=═σΩε≥ε≡√σ Σ≡αΘΓσ≡α ∞επ≤≥ Γ√πδ Σσ≥ⁿ ΩαΩ ≡αßε≈Φσ(τα∩Φ±ⁿ ≤±∩σ°φα)^φε ∩≡ΦΓεΣ ≥ Ω φσ≈Φασ∞√∞ CD^ΦδΦ Σ╕≡πα■∙σ∞≤±  Γε±∩≡εΦτΓσΣσφΦ■ φα Γα°σ∞ (S)VCD ∩≡εΦπ≡√Γα≥σδσ
  605. Special characters in filenames are not allowed^(GNU VCDImager known bug)=╤∩σ÷. ±Φ∞Γεδ√ Γ Φ∞σφα⌡ ⌠αΘδεΓ φσΣε∩≤±≥Φ∞√^(╚τΓσ±≥φ√Θ ßαπ VCDImager)
  606. Start CD device rotation                                           =═α≈α≥ⁿ Γ≡α∙σφΦσ CD
  607. Start offset                                                       =╤≥α≡≥εΓεσ ±∞σ∙σφΦσ
  608. Start the next disc if it has the same <album-id> at the second sequence instead of the first.=╟α∩≤±Ωα≥ⁿ ±δσΣ≤■∙ΦΘ ΣΦ±Ω, σ±δΦ εφ Φ∞σσ≥ ≥αΩεΘ µσ ╚─ αΣδⁿßε∞α φα Γ≥ε≡εΘ ≈α±≥Φ, Γ∞σ±≥ε ∩σ≡ΓεΘ.
  609. Stop CD device rotation                                            =╬±≥αφεΓΦ≥ⁿ Γ≡α∙σφΦσ CD
  610. SubTree Size                                                       =╨ατ∞σ≡ ∩εΣΣσ≡σΓα
  611. Supports Files Drag'n Drop                                         =╧εΣΣσ≡µΦΓασ≥ ∩σ≡σ≥α±ΩΦΓαφΦσ ⌠αΘδεΓ
  612. Supports Files/Folders Drag'n Drop                                 =╧εΣΣσ≡µΦΓασ≥ ∩σ≡σ≥α±ΩΦΓαφΦσ ⌠αΘδεΓ Φ ∩α∩εΩ
  613. Supports Image Drag'n Drop                                         =╧εΣΣσ≡µΦΓασ≥ ∩σ≡σ≥α±ΩΦΓαφΦσ εß≡ατεΓ
  614. TV Cropping                                                        =╬ß≡στΩα ╥┬
  615. The %s character is not allowed in:                                =╤Φ∞εΓδ %s φσΣε∩≤±≥Φ∞ Γ:
  616. The Aspi layer (required by CDRDAO) may be missing or not be installed correctly=─≡αΘΓσ≡α ASPI, Ωε≥ε≡√σ ≥≡σß≤■≥±  Σδ  CDRWIN, φσ ≤±≥αφεΓδσφ√ ΦδΦ φσ ≤±≥αφεΓδσφ√ φσ∩≡αΓΦδⁿφε
  617. The BIN filename must have no SPACE character if you want to burn it with CDRDAO=╚∞  BIN ⌠αΘδα φσ Σεδµφε ±εΣσ≡µα≥ⁿ ∩≡εßσδεΓ, σ±δΦ Γ√ ⌡ε≥Φ≥σ τα∩Φ±α≥ⁿ σπε ± ∩ε∞ε∙ⁿ■ CDRDAO
  618. The Folder "%s" is a special (S)VCD folder!                        =╧α∩Ωα "%s" ²≥ε ±Φ±≥σ∞φα  ∩α∩Ωα (S)VCD!
  619. The check for new version available failed                         =╧≡εΓσ≡Ωα φαδΦ≈Φ  φεΓεΘ Γσ≡±ΦΦ ∩≡εΓαδΦδα±ⁿ
  620. The corresponding BIN file must be in the same folder as the CUE file,^and must have the same name.=╤εε≥Γσ≥±≥Γ≤■∙ΦΘ CUE ⌠αΘδ≤ BIN ⌠αΘδ Σεδµσφ φα⌡εΣΦ≥±  Γ ≥εΘ µσ ∩α∩Ωσ^Φ Φ∞σ≥ⁿ ≥αΩεσ µσ Φ∞ .
  621. The file "%s" does not exist                                       =╘αΘδ "%s" φσ ±≤∙σ±≥Γ≤σ≥
  622. The file is not a MPEG file with RIFF header [.dat file]           =▌≥ε≥ ⌠αΘδ φσ  Γδ σ≥±  MPEG ⌠αΘδε∞ ± ταπεδεΓΩε∞ RIFF (.DAT ⌠αΘδε∞)
  623. The filename must contain the full path                            =╚∞  ⌠αΘδα Σεδµφε ±εΣσ≡µα≥ⁿ ∩εδφ√Θ ∩≤≥ⁿ Ω φσ∞≤
  624. The files must be different                                        =╘αΘδ√ Σεδµφ√ ß√≥ⁿ ≡ατδΦ≈φ√∞Φ
  625. The volume name must not be empty when there are more than one volumes=╚∞  ≥ε∞α φσ ∞εµσ≥ ß√≥ⁿ ∩≤±≥√∞, σ±δΦ ≤ Γα± ßεδσσ εΣφεπε ≥ε∞α
  626. This %s supports only                                              =▌≥ε≥ %s  ∩εΣΣσ≡µΦΓασ≥ ≥εδⁿΩε
  627. This VCDEasy version supports only the version %s of "%s"          =─αφφα  Γσ≡±Φ  VCDEasy ∩εΣΣσ≡µΦΓασ≥ ≥εδⁿΩε Γσ≡±Φ■ %s ∩≡επ≡α∞∞√ "%s"
  628. This file must have a size multiple of 2336 and be not empty, if you want to add it as a full 2336 bytes sectors file=╨ατ∞σ≡ ²≥επε ⌠αΘδα Σεδµσφ ß√≥ⁿ Ω≡α≥σφ 2336 Φ ⌠αΘδ φσ Σεδµσφ ß√≥ⁿ ∩≤±≥√∞, σ±δΦ Γ√ ⌡ε≥Φ≥σ σπε ΣεßαΓΦ≥ⁿ, ΩαΩ ⌠αΘδ ± ∩εδφ√∞Φ ±σΩ≥ε≡α∞Φ ∩ε 2336 ßαΘ≥
  629. This frame number must refers to this MPEG sequence, not the original sequence if different=═ε∞σ≡ ΩαΣ≡α Σεδµσφ ε≥φε±Φ≥±  Ω ²≥εΘ ≈α±≥Φ MPEG, α φσ φα≈αδⁿφεΘ ≈α±≥Φ, σ±δΦ εφΦ ≡ατδΦ≈φ√
  630. This is due to a CDRDAO bug when dealing with CUE files...         =▌≥ε Φτ-τα ε°ΦßΩΦ Γ CDRDAO ∩≡Φ ≡αßε≥σ ± CUE ⌠αΘδα∞Φ
  631. This is related to the ability of some multi-disc stand-alone players to instantly start playing^the next disc once the current disc as finished playing.=▌≥ε ε≥φε±Φ≥±  Ω Γετ∞εµφε±≥Φ φσΩε≥ε≡√⌡ ∞≤δⁿ≥ΦΣΦ±ΩεΓ√⌡ ∩≡εΦπ≡√Γα≥σδσΘ^ ±≡ατ≤ φα≈Φφα≥ⁿ ∩≡εΦπ√ΓαφΦσ ±δσΣ≤■∙σπε ΣΦ±Ωα,∩ε±δσ εΩεφ≈αφΦ  ∩σ≡Γεπε.
  632. This version works with                                            =▌≥α Γσ≡±Φ  ≡αßε≥ασ≥ ±
  633. To avoid this, change your chapters or relax the ASP constraints   =╫≥εß√ Φτßσµα≥ⁿ ²≥επε, Φτ∞σφΦ≥σ Γα°Φ πδαΓ√, ΦδΦ ε≥Ωδ■≈Φ≥σ επ≡αφΦ≈σφΦ  ASP
  634. Too many chapters will be created                                  =╤δΦ°Ωε∞ ∞φεπε ≈α±≥σΘ ß≤Σσ≥ ±ετΣαφε
  635. Tools                                                              =╚φ±≥≡≤∞σφ≥√
  636. TreeSubLevel                                                       =╙≡εΓσφⁿ ∩εΣΣσ≡σΓα
  637. Trying to unlock the CD Reader                                     =╧√≥α■±ⁿ ≡ατßδεΩΦ≡εΓα≥ⁿ CD ∩≡ΦΓεΣ
  638. Trying to unlock the CD Writer                                     =╧√≥α■±ⁿ ≡ατßδεΩΦ≡εΓα≥ⁿ ∩Φ°≤∙ΦΘ ∩≡ΦΓεΣ
  639. Type                                                               =╥Φ∩
  640. Unable to create                                                   =═σΓετ∞εµφε ±ετΣα≥ⁿ
  641. Unable to overwrite                                                =═σΓετ∞εµφε ∩σ≡στα∩Φ±α≥ⁿ
  642. Unable to perform a CDR devices scan                               =═σ ∞επ≤ ∩≡εΦτΓσ±≥Φ ±ΩαφΦ≡εΓαφΦσ ∩Φ°≤∙Φ⌡ CD ≤±≥≡εΘ±≥Γ
  643. Unable to perform a CDR devices scan, you may have an ASPI drivers problem=═σ ∞επ≤ ∩≡εΦτΓσ±≥Φ ±ΩαφΦ≡εΓαφΦσ ∩Φ°≤∙Φ⌡ CD ≤±≥≡εΘ±≥Γ, ≤ Γα± ∞εµσ≥ ß√≥ⁿ ∩≡εßδσ∞α ± ASPI
  644. Unable to save the picture to "%s"                                 =═σ ∞επ≤ ±ε⌡≡αφΦ≥ⁿ Ωα≡≥ΦφΩ≤ ΩαΩ "%s"
  645. Unknown "TV system" in the SmartRipper IFO information             =═σΦτΓσ±≥φα  ╥┬ ±Φ±≥σ∞α Γ IFO Φφ⌠ε≡∞α÷ΦΦ ε≥ SmartRipper
  646. Unknown MPEG file type                                             =═σΦτΓσ±≥φ√Θ ≥Φ∩ MPEG ⌠αΘδα
  647. Unknown encoding frame rate: %s                                    =═σ∩εφ ≥φ√Θ ≥Φ∩ ΩεδΦ≈σ±≥Γα ΩαΣ≡εΓ Γ ±σΩ≤φΣ≤:%s
  648. Unlock CD Writer after failed writing                              =╨ατßδεΩΦ≡≤Θ≥σ ∩Φ°≤∙ΦΘ ∩≡ΦΓεΣ ∩ε±δσ φσ≤Σα≈φεΘ τα∩Φ±Φ
  649. Unsupported Picture extension                                      =═σ ∩εΣΣσ≡µΦΓασ∞εσ ≡α±°Φ≡σφΦσ Ωα≡≥ΦφΩΦ
  650. Use Cdxa2mpeg in the tools page to try to convert it to a "true" Mpeg file =╚±∩εδⁿτ≤Θ≥σ Cdxa2mpeg φα ±≥≡αφΦ÷σ Φφ±≥≡≤∞σφ≥εΓ, ≈≥εß√ ±ΩεφΓσ≡≥Φ≡εΓα≥ⁿ σπε Γ "φα±≥ε ∙ΦΘ" MPEG ⌠αΘδ
  651. Used to set the amount of empty sectors added before the lead-out area begins.^Some operating systems may encounter I/O errors due to read-ahead issues when reading the last mpeg track if this parameter is not set to a value around 15.^Default is 150=╚±∩εδⁿτ≤σ≥± , ≈≥εß√ ≤±≥αφεΓΦ≥ⁿ ΩεδΦ≈σ±≥Γε ∩≤±≥√⌡ ±σΩ≥ε≡εΓ ∩σ≡σΣ τεφεΘ ταΩ≡√≥Φ  ΣΦ±Ωα.^═σΩε≥ε≡√σ ╬╤ ∞επ≤≥ Φ±∩√≥√Γα≥ⁿ ∩≡εßδσ∞√ ∩≡Φ ≈≥σφΦΦ ∩ε±δσΣφσπε MPEG ⌠αΘδα φα ΣΦ±Ωσ, σ±δΦ ²≥ε τφα≈σφΦσ ±Φδⁿφε ε≥δΦ≈ασ≥±  ε≥ 15.^╧ε ≤∞εδ≈αφΦ■ ²≥ε τφα≈σφΦσ 150.
  652. Used to set the track pregap for all tracks at once in sectors.^The specification requires the pregap to be at least 150 sectors long.^Default is 150=╚±∩εδⁿτ≤σ≥±  ≈≥εß√ ≤±≥αφεΓΦ≥ⁿ ∩≡σΣΓα≡Φ≥σδⁿφ≤■ ταΣσ≡µΩ≤ ±≡ατ≤ Σδ  Γ±σ⌡ Σε≡εµσΩ(Γ ±σΩ≥ε≡α⌡).^╤∩σ÷Φ⌠ΦΩα÷Φ  ≥≡σß≤σ≥ ΩαΩ ∞ΦφΦ∞≤∞ 150.^╧ε ≤∞εδ≈αφΦ■ Φ±∩εδⁿτ≤σ≥±  150.
  653. Used when PBC information is present but its interpretation is disabled on the player,^when multiple volumes in album, when album name not empty, when not Vcd 1.1.=╚±∩εδⁿτ≤σ≥± , ΩεπΣα σ±≥ⁿ PBC Φφ⌠ε≡∞α÷Φ , φε σ╕ εß≡αßε≥Ωα Γ√Ωδ■≈σφα Γ ∩≡εΦπ≡√Γα≥σδσ,^ΩεπΣα Γ αδⁿßε∞σ Φφεπε ≥ε∞εΓ, ΩεπΣα Φ∞  αδⁿßε∞α φσ ∩≤±≥ε, ΩεπΣα φσ VCD 1.1
  654. VCD1.1 does not allow the use of MPEG Pictures                     =VCD1.1 φσ ≡ατ≡σ°ασ≥ Φ±∩εδⁿτεΓαφΦσ Ωα≡≥ΦφεΩ MPEG
  655. VCDEasy will choose the nearest possible chapter entry point(s) based on what you want=VCDEasy Γ√ßσ≡σ≥ φαΦßδΦµαΘ°≤■ Ω Γ√ß≡αφφεΘ Γα∞Φ Γετ∞εµφ≤■ ≥ε≈Ω≤ Γ⌡εΣα Γ πδαΓ≤
  656. Value bigger than the MPEG duration                                =╟φα≈σφΦσ ßεδⁿ°σ, ≈σ∞ ∩≡εΣεδµΦ≥σδⁿφε±≥ⁿ MPEG
  657. Video Stream                                                       =┬ΦΣσε ∩ε≥εΩ
  658. VideoCD BEGIN                                                      =═α≈αδε Video-CD
  659. VideoCD END                                                        =╩εφσ÷ Video-CD
  660. Viewing restrictions which may be interpreted by the playing device.^The allowed range goes from "0" [unrestricted, means free to view for all], to "3" [restricted, may mean content not suitable for ages under 18].=┬ετ≡α±≥φ√σ επ≡αφΦ≈σφΦ  φα ∞α≥σ≡Φαδ, Ωε≥ε≡√σ Γε±∩≡ΦφΦ∞α■≥ ∩≡εΦπ≡√Γα≥σδΦ^╬≥ 0 (ετφα≈ασ≥ ε≥±≤≥±≥ΓΦσ επ≡αφΦ≈σφΦΘ),  Σε 3 (≥εδⁿΩε δΦ÷α∞ ± 18 δσ≥)
  661. Warning: You may experience some problems with the ASPI Tools in enabling them...^if so, send me an email=┬φΦ∞αφΦσ!╙ Γα± ∞επ≤≥ ß√≥ⁿ ∩≡εßδσ∞√ ∩≡Φ Φ±∩εδⁿτεΓαφΦΦ Φφ±≥≡≤∞σφ≥εΓ ASPI...^┬ ≥αΩε∞ ±δ≤≈ασ ±εεß∙Φ≥σ ∞φσ.
  662. Warning: You may experience some problems with the CDRDAO...^if so, upgrade your ASPI drivers=┬φΦ∞αφΦσ!╙ Γα± ∞επ≤≥ ß√≥ⁿ ∩≡εßδσ∞√ ∩≡Φ Φ±∩εδⁿτεΓαφΦΦ CDRDAO...^┬ ≥αΩε∞ ±δ≤≈ασ εßφεΓΦ≥σ Γα°Φ ASPI Σ≡αΘΓσ≡α
  663. Warning: relaxing the aps requirement may lead to non-working entry points=┬φΦ∞αφΦσ!╤φ ≥Φσ επ≡αφΦ≈σφΦΘ APS ∞εµσ≥ ∩≡ΦΓσ±≥Φ Ω φσ≡αßε≥α■∙Φ∞ ≥ε≈Ωα∞ Γ⌡εΣα Γ πδαΓ√
  664. Writing CD image file                                              =╤ετΣα■ ⌠αΘδ εß≡ατα CD
  665. Wrote %s MB of %s MB                                               =╟α∩Φ±αφε %s ╠┴ Φτ %s ╠┴
  666. Yes                                                                =─α
  667. You can change this option only if the MPEG files list is empty    =┬√ ∞εµσ≥σ Φτ∞σφ ≥ⁿ ²≥≤ ε∩÷Φ■, ≥εδⁿΩε σ±δΦ ±∩Φ±εΩ MPEG ⌠αΘδεΓ ∩≤±≥
  668. You entered a total of %s volumes for the album                    =┬√ ΓΓσδΦ εß∙σσ ΩεδΦ≈σ±≥Γε Γ %s  ≥ε∞εΓ Σδ  αδⁿßε∞α
  669. You need to activate Playback Control (PBC) in order to play MPEG pictures=═σεß⌡εΣΦ∞ε ΓΩδ■≈Φ≥ⁿ PBC Σδ  ∩≡εΦπ≡√ΓαφΦ  Ωα≡≥ΦφεΩ MPEG
  670. You need to restart %s in order to take the changes into account   =╫≥εß√ Φτ∞σφσφΦ  Γ±≥≤∩ΦδΦ Γ ±Φδ≤, ∩σ≡στα∩≤±≥Φ≥σ %s
  671. You need to restart %s in order to take the locations changes into account=╫≥εß√ Φτ∞σφσφΦ  Γ ∞σ±≥εφα⌡εµΣσφΦΦ Γ±≥≤∩ΦδΦ Γ ±Φδ≤, ∩σ≡στα∩≤±≥Φ≥σ %s
  672. You will only have to drag the ..._##.img files into Toast         =┬α∞ φ≤µφε δΦ°ⁿ ∩σ≡σ≥ φ≤≥ⁿ "..._##.img" ⌠αΘδ√ Γ Toast
  673. and                                                                =Φ
  674. and supports                                                       =Φ ∩εΣΣσ≡µΦΓασ≥
  675. by                                                                 =φα
  676. bytes                                                              =ßαΘ≥
  677. detailled %s                                                       =Σσ≥αδⁿφ√Θ %s
  678. not found                                                          =φσ φαΘΣσφ
  679. or                                                                 =ΦδΦ
  680. or as standalone application                                       =ΦδΦ ΩαΩ φσταΓΦ±Φ∞εσ ∩≡ΦδεµσφΦσ
  682. ##################################### Added at version 1.1.1
  684. # ADDED:
  686. Add %s files                                                      =─εßαΓΦ≥ⁿ %s ⌠αΘδεΓ
  687. Find the %s directory                                             =═αΘ≥Φ ∩α∩Ω≤ %s
  688. Open a %s file                                                    =╬≥Ω≡√≥ⁿ ⌠αΘδ %s
  689. Page %s                                                           =╤≥≡αφΦ÷α %s
  690. Save %s file to                                                   =╤ε⌡≡αφΦ≥ⁿ ⌠αΘδ %s Γ
  691. Save as %s file                                                   =╤ε⌡≡αφΦ≥ⁿ ⌠αΘδ %s ΩαΩ
  692. Text                                                              =╥σΩ±≥
  693. for SVCD                                                          =Σδ  SVCD
  694. for VCD                                                           =Σδ  VCD
  696. ##################################### Added at version 1.1.2
  698. # ADDED:
  700. %s &Home Page                                                     =&─ε∞α°φ   ±≥≡αφΦ÷α %s 
  701. %s &always on top                                                 =%s ┬±σπΣα &φαΓσ≡⌡≤
  702. &About %s                                                         =&╬ ∩≡επ≡α∞∞σ %s
  703. &Donation                                                         =&╧εµσ≡≥ΓεΓα≥ⁿ
  704. &Remember %s size and position                                    =&╟α∩ε∞Φφα≥ⁿ ∩ετΦ÷Φ■ Φ ≡ατ∞σ≡ %s
  705. A CD is required                                                  =╥≡σß≤σ≥±  Ωε∞∩αΩ≥-ΣΦ±Ω
  706. Addition of MPEG files ended                                      =╟αΩεφ≈Φδ ΣεßαΓδ ≥ⁿ MPEG ⌠αΘδ√
  707. Allows you to select the items to which you will also apply this choice=╧ετΓεδ σ≥ Γα∞ Γ√ß≡α≥ⁿ ∩≤φΩ≥√, Ω Ωε≥ε≡√∞ ≥αΩµσ ∩≡Φ∞σφΦ≥±  ²≥ε≥ Γ√ßε≡
  708. Allows you to select the items to which you will reset actions to defaults=╧ετΓεδ σ≥ Γα∞ Γ√ß≡α≥ⁿ ∩≤φΩ≥√, Σδ  Ωε≥ε≡√⌡ ΣσΘ±≥ΓΦ  ±ß≡ε± ≥±  φα ΣσΘ±≥ΓΦ  ∩ε ≤∞εδ≈αφΦ■
  709. Also apply to                                                     =╥αΩµσ ∩≡Φ∞σφΦ≥±  Ω
  710. Approximate ISO File System size                                  =╧≡Φ∞σ≡φ√Θ ≡ατ∞σ≡ ⌠αΘδεΓεΘ ±Φ±≥σ∞√ ISO
  711. Authoring Process Successful                                      =╧≡ε÷σ±± αΓ≥ε≡Φτα÷ΦΦ ∩≡ε°╕δ ≤±∩σ°φε
  712. Authoring Process Unsuccessful                                    =╧≡ε÷σ±± αΓ≥ε≡Φτα÷ΦΦ ∩≡εΓαδΦδ± 
  713. By donating you will help me keep the %s web site running and alive,^you will allow me to buy some codes to improve %s,^and you will encourage me to continue with %s development.=╤εΓσ≡°ΦΓ ∩εµσ≡≥ΓεΓαφΦσ, Γ√ ∩ετΓεδΦ≥σ ∞φσ ε∩δα≥Φ≥ⁿ web-±αΘ≥ %s,^Ω≤∩Φ≥ⁿ φσΩε≥ε≡√σ ≈α±≥Φ ΩεΣα Σδ  %s,^Φ Γ√ ∩εε∙≡Φ≥σ ∞σφ  Γ ≡ατ≡αßε≥Ωσ %s.
  714. Deselect All                                                      =╤ß≡ε±Φ≥ⁿ Γ√ΣσδσφΦσ
  715. Deselect all items                                                =╤ß≡ε±Φ≥ⁿ Γ√ΣσδσφΦσ Σδ  Γ±σ⌡ ∩≤φΩ≥εΓ
  716. Erase CD-RW confirmation                                          =╧εΣ≥Γσ≡µΣσφΦσ ε≈Φ±≥ΩΦ ∩σ≡στα∩Φ±√Γασ∞επε CD
  717. Failed                                                            =╧≡εΓαδΦδα±ⁿ
  718. Failure                                                           =╤ßεΘ
  719. Files with supported picture extensions                           =╘αΘδ√ ± ∩εΣΣσ≡µΦΓασ∞√∞Φ ≡α±°Φ≡σφΦ ∞Φ Ωα≡≥ΦφεΩ
  720. Generation of several MPEG stills ended                           =╤ετΣαφΦσ φσ±ΩεδⁿΩΦ⌡ ±≥ε∩-ΩαΣ≡εΓ MPEG ταΓσ≡°σφε
  721. If you appreciate %s, please make a donation,^it will be very helpful and appreciated. Thanks=┼±δΦ Γ√ ÷σφΦ≥σ %s, ±ΣσδαΘ≥σ ∩εµσ≡≥ΓεΓαφΦσ,^²≥ε ε≈σφⁿ ∩ε∞εµσ≥ Φ ß≤Σσ≥ ε÷σφσφε.╤∩α±Φßε.
  722. Invalid picture file, or unable to read it                        =═σ ∞επ≤ ∩≡ε≈σ±≥ⁿ ⌠αΘδ ± Ωα≡≥ΦφΩεΘ
  723. Inverse selection                                                 =╚φΓσ≡≥Φ≡εΓα≥ⁿ Γ√Σσδσφφεσ
  724. Itself                                                            =╤α∞
  725. MPEG stills creation summary                                      =╚φ⌠ε≡∞α÷Φ  Φ ±ετΣαφΦΦ ±≥ε∩-ΩαΣ≡εΓ MPEG
  726. Mpeg Still(s) creation finished                                   =╤ετΣαφΦσ ±≥ε∩-ΩαΣ≡εΓ MPEG ταΓσ≡°σφε
  727. NB: will not apply to the segments                                =NB: ²≥ε φσ ε≥φε±Φ≥±  Ω ±σπ∞σφ≥α∞
  728. No new version is available                                       =┼∙╕ φσ≥ φεΓεΘ Γσ≡±ΦΦ
  729. Number of pictures                                                =╩εδΦ≈σ±≥Γε Ωα≡≥ΦφεΩ
  730. Ok                                                                =╬╩
  731. Other %s settings                                                 =─≡≤πΦσ φα±≥≡εΘΩΦ %s
  732. Please confirm that you want to quit                              =╧εΣ≥Γσ≡ΣΦ≥σ, ≈≥ε ΣσΘ±≥ΓΦ≥σδⁿφε ⌡ε≥Φ≥σ Γ√Θ≥Φ
  733. Please read the %s online FAQ and guides before reporting a bug or asking or help=╧εµαδ≤Θ±≥α, ∩≡ε≈Φ≥αΘ≥σ εφδαΘφεΓ√σ ╫α┬╬ %s, ∩σ≡σΣ ≥σ∞ ΩαΩ ±εεß∙α≥ⁿ εß ε°ΦßΩσ, ΦδΦ ∩≡ε±Φ≥ⁿ ε ∩ε∞ε∙Φ
  734. Please wait while scanning...                                     =╧εµαδ≤Θ±≥α µΣΦ≥σ, ±ΩαφΦ≡≤■...
  735. Please, add at least one non MPEG still file                      =╧εµαδ≤Θ±≥α, ΣεßαΓⁿ≥σ ⌡ε≥  ß√ εΣΦφ MPEG ⌠αΘδ
  736. Reset actions to defaults  for this item                          =╤ß≡ε±Φ≥ⁿ ΣσΘ±≥ΓΦ  φα ΣσΘ±≥ΓΦ  ∩ε ≤∞εδ≈αφΦ■ Σδ  ²≥επε ∩≤φΩ≥α
  737. Reset actions to defaults for                                     =╤ß≡ε±Φ≥ⁿ ΣσΘ±≥ΓΦ  φα ΣσΘ±≥ΓΦ  ∩ε ≤∞εδ≈αφΦ■ Σδ 
  738. See the guides at the %s web site if you experience problems with CDRDAO/ASPI, or if you want to know more about alternate burning methods=╫Φ≥αΘ≥σ ≡≤ΩεΓεΣ±≥Γα φα ±αΘ≥σ %s, σ±δΦ Γ√ Φ±∩√≥√Γασ≥σ ∩≡εßδσ∞√ ± CDRDAO/ASPI ΦδΦ ⌡ε≥Φ≥σ ≤τφα≥ⁿ ε Σ≡≤πΦ⌡ ±∩ε±εßα⌡ τα∩Φ±Φ
  739. See the log page for details                                      =╧εΣ≡εßφε±≥Φ φα ±≥≡αφΦ÷σ "δεπ"
  740. Select All                                                        =┬√ß≡α≥ⁿ Γ±╕
  741. Select all items                                                  =┬√ß≡α≥ⁿ Γ±σ ∩≤φΩ≥√
  742. Select all segments                                               =┬√ß≡α≥ⁿ Γ±σ ±σπ∞σφ≥√
  743. Select all sequences                                              =┬√ß≡α≥ⁿ Γ±σ ≈α±≥Φ
  744. Select sequence and its chapters                                  =┬√ß≡α≥ⁿ  ≈α±≥ⁿ Φ σ╕ πδαΓ√
  745. Selection helpers                                                 =╧ε∞ε∙φΦΩΦ Γ Γ√ßε≡σ
  746. Sequences with chapters                                           =╫α±≥Φ ± πδαΓα∞Φ
  747. Skipped                                                           =╧≡ε∩≤∙σφε
  748. Succeeded                                                         =╙±∩σ⌡
  749. The duration of this MPEG file is too short ( %s < 4000 milliseconds)=╧≡εΣεδµΦ≥σδⁿφε±≥ⁿ ²≥επε ⌠αΘδα ±δΦ°Ωε∞ ∞αδα ( %s < 4000 ∞ΦδδΦ±σΩ≤φΣ)
  750. but may be required to have working chapters when PBC is OFF      =φε ∞εµσ≥ ≥≡σßεΓα≥± , ≈≥εß√ ≡αßε≥αδΦ πδαΓ√, σ±δΦ PBC Γ√Ωδ■≈σφ
  751. but may lead to non working chapters when PBC is OFF              =φε ∞εµσ≥ ∩≡ΦΓσ±≥Φ Ω φσ≡αßε≥α■∙Φ∞ πδαΓα∞, σ±δΦ PBC Γ√Ωδ■≈σφ
  752. files                                                             =⌠αΘδ√
  753. queued commands                                                   =Ωε∞αφΣ√ Γ ε≈σ≡σΣΦ
  756. ##################################### Added at version 1.1.3
  758. Success                                                                         =╙±∩σ⌡
  759. Do you want to add this non-compliant file anyway ?                             =φσ±εΓ∞σ±≥Φ∞√Θ ⌠αΘδ.┬√ Γ±╕ ≡αΓφε ⌡ε≥Φ≥σ ΣεßαΓΦ≥ⁿ σπε?
  760. This VCDEasy version supports only the versions %s and %s of "%s"               =▌≥α Γσ≡±Φ  VCDEasy  ∩εΣΣσ≡µΦΓασ≥ ≥εδⁿΩε Γσ≡±ΦΦ %s Φ %s ∩≡επ≡α∞∞√ "%s"
  761. One or more chapter points have been deleted, as now the Total Time is known    =╬Σφα ΦδΦ φσ±ΩεδⁿΩε πδαΓ ß√δΦ ≤Σαδσφ√, Φ ≥σ∩σ≡ⁿ ΦτΓσ±≥φε εß∙σσ Γ≡σ∞ 
  762. You need to install an appropriate Windows CODEC to read this file.             =╫≥εß√ ∩≡ε≈Φ≥α≥ⁿ ²≥ε≥ ⌠αΘδ, Γα∞ φαΣε ≤±≥αφεΓΦ≥ⁿ ±εε≥Γσ≥±≥Γ≤■∙ΦΘ ΩεΣσΩ
  763. Warning                                                                         =╬±≥ε≡εµφε
  764. Tip of the Day                                                                  =╤εΓσ≥ Σφ 
  765. Did you know                                                                    =└ Γ√ τφασ≥σ, ≈≥ε
  766. Show tips at Startup                                                            =╧εΩατ√Γα≥ⁿ ±εΓσ≥√ ∩≡Φ τα∩≤±Ωσ
  767. Next Tip                                                                        =╤δσΣ≤■∙ΦΘ
  768. Previous Tip                                                                    =╧≡σΣ√Σ≤∙ΦΘ
  769. Close                                                                           =╟αΩ≡√≥ⁿ
  770. Windows Media Player is not installed on this Windows, but is required by %s    =Windows Media Player φσ ≤±≥αφεΓδσφ, α εφ ≥≡σß≤σ≥±  ∩≡επ≡α∞∞σ %s
  771. Please download it from %s                                                      =╧εµαδ≤Θ±≥α ±Ωα≈αΘ≥σ σπε ± %s
  772. #REMOVED CDRDAO is disabled by default, as I am not sure it will work with your ASPI drivers=╧ε ≤∞εδ≈αφΦ■ CDRDAO Γ√Ωδ■≈σφ, ≥αΩ ΩαΩ   φσ ≤Γσ≡σφ, ≈≥ε εφ ß≤Σσ≥ ≡αßε≥α≥ⁿ ± Γα°Φ∞Φ ASPI Σ≡αΘΓσ≡α∞Φ
  773. Load the video file into the media player                                       =╟απ≡≤τΦ≥ⁿ ΓΦΣσε ⌠αΘδ Γ ∩≡εΦπ≡√Γα≥σδⁿ
  774. Play                                                                            =╧≡εΦπ≡α≥ⁿ
  775. Stop                                                                            =╤≥ε∩
  776. Pause                                                                           =╧α≤τα
  777. Fast Rewind                                                                     =╧σ≡σ∞ε≥Ωα φαταΣ
  778. Fast Rewind (to a potential chapter point)                                      =╧σ≡σ∞ε≥Ωα φαταΣ (Ω Γετ∞εµφεΘ ≥ε≈Ωσ Γ⌡εΣα Γ πδαΓ≤)
  779. Fast Forward                                                                    =╧σ≡σ∞ε≥Ωα Γ∩σ≡╕Σ
  780. Fast Forward (to a potential chapter point)                                     =╧σ≡σ∞ε≥Ωα Γ∩σ≡╕Σ (Ω Γετ∞εµφεΘ ≥ε≈Ωσ Γ⌡εΣα Γ πδαΓ≤)
  781. Slow Rewind                                                                     =╠σΣδσφφα  ∩σ≡σ∞ε≥Ωα
  782. Previous potential chapter point                                                =╧≡σΣ√Σ≤∙α  Γετ∞εµφα  ≥ε≈Ωα Γ⌡εΣα Γ πδαΓ≤
  783. Slow Forward                                                                    =╠σΣδσφφα  ∩σ≡σ∞ε≥Ωα Γ∩σ≡╕Σ
  784. Next potential chapter point                                                    =╤δσΣ≤■∙α  Γετ∞εµφα  ≥ε≈Ωα Γ⌡εΣα Γ πδαΓ≤
  785. Sound Volume                                                                    =├≡ε∞Ωε±≥ⁿ τΓ≤Ωα
  786. Picture                                                                         =╩α≡≥ΦφΩα
  787. Save                                                                            =╤ε⌡≡αφΦ≥ⁿ
  788. Save the picture to                                                             =╤ε⌡≡αφΦ≥ⁿ Γ
  789. Capturing picture for chapter:                                                  =╚±∩εδⁿτεΓα≥ⁿ Ωα≡≥ΦφΩ≤ Σδ  πδαΓ√:
  791. VCDxBuild takes the XML descripter file of a (S)VCD project and creates a CD image on your hard disc.                                  =VCDEasy Φ±∩εδⁿτ≤σ≥ ±πσφσ≡Φ≡εΓαφφ√Θ XML ⌠αΘδ ∩≡εσΩ≥α Σδ  ±ετΣαφΦ  εß≡ατα Ωε∞∩αΩ≥-ΣΦ±Ωα φα µ╕±≥Ωε∞ ΣΦ±Ωσ
  792. This CD image (either in CUE/BIN format or the CDRDAO TOC format) can then be recorded onto a physical disc (e.g., CD-R(W))            =╟α≥σ∞ ²≥ε≥ εß≡ατ(┬ ⌠ε≡∞α≥σ CDRWIN/CUE ΦδΦ CDRDAO/TOC) ∞εµσ≥ ß√≥ⁿ τα∩Φ±αφ φα τα∩Φ±√Γασ∞√Θ ΦδΦ ∩σ≡στα∩Φ±√Γασ∞√Θ Ωε∞∩αΩ≥-ΣΦ±Ω
  793. VCDxRip takes a disc image of a (S)VCD and extracts from it all the media files                                                        =VCDxRip ∩≡ΦφΦ∞ασ≥ εß≡ατ ΣΦ±Ωα Φ ≡ατßΦ≡ασ≥ σπε φα ±ε±≥αΓδ ■∙Φσ ∞σΣΦα ⌠αΘδ√
  794. for example, sequence-items such as MPEG video trancs as well as segment-item like high resolution stills images                       =φα∩≡Φ∞σ≡, ±≥ε∩-ΩαΣ≡√ MPEG ΦδΦ ΓΦΣσε-∩ε±δσΣεΓα≥σδⁿφε±≥Φ MPEG
  795. The format of the disc image can be either the CUE/BIN format or the Nero Burning ROM NRG format.                                      =╘ε≡∞α≥ ²≥επε εß≡ατα ∞εµσ≥ⁿ ß√≥ⁿ CUE/BIN ΦδΦ NRG ⌠ε≡∞α≥ ∩≡επ≡α∞∞√ Nero Burning ROM 
  796. VCDxmInfo analyzes your MPEG file from the point of view of VCD or SVCD compliance.                                                    =VCDxmInfo αφαδΦτΦ≡≤σ≥ Γα° ⌠αΘδ ± ≥ε≈ΩΦ τ≡σφΦ  ±εΓ∞σ±≥Φ∞ε±≥Φ ± VCD/SVCD
  797. It will report on many parameters including frame size, bitrate, audio as well as APS data (required for entrypoints).                 =╬φα ∞εµσ≥ ±εεß∙Φ≥ⁿ ε ∞φεπΦ⌡ ∩α≡α∞σ≥≡α⌡, ≥αΩΦ⌡ ΩαΩ ≡ατ∞σ≡ ΩαΣ≡α,ßΦ≥≡σΘ≥, α≤ΣΦε Φ ε Σαφφ√⌡ APS(Φ±∩εδτ≤■≥±  Σδ  ≥ε≈σΩ Γ⌡εΣα)
  798. Futhermore, it will also analyze MPEG still images.                                                                                    =┴εδσσ ≥επε, εφα ≥αΩµσ ±εεß∙Φ≥ ε ±≥ε∩-ΩαΣ≡α⌡ MPEG
  799. VCDxDebug analyzes VCD and SVCD disc images (in CUE/BIN format) and reports the structure of the disc.                                 =VCDxDebug αφαδΦτΦ≡≤σ≥ εß≡ατ ΣΦ±Ωα (S)VCD (Γ ⌠ε≡∞α≥σ CUE/BIN)Φ ±εεß∙ασ≥ ε σπε ±≥≡≤Ω≥≤≡σ
  800. It reports on the filesystem, the PBC area as well as a number of other areas.                                                         =╬φα ±εεß∙ασ≥ ε ⌠αΘδεΓεΘ ±Φ±≥σ∞σ, εßδα±≥Φ PBC Φ ε φσΩε≥ε≡√⌡ Σ≡≤πΦ⌡ εßδα±≥ ⌡
  801. This tool is particulary useful in debugging an authored (S)VCD before committing it to a dics.                                        =▌≥ε≥ Φφ±≥≡≤∞σφ≥ ∩εδστσφ Σδ  αφαδΦτα ±ετΣαφφεπε εß≡ατα, ∩σ≡σΣ σπε τα∩Φ±ⁿ■ φα φε±Φ≥σδⁿ
  802. Cdxa2mpeg removes RIFF headers from a file.                                                                                            =Cdxa2mpeg ≤ßΦ≡ασ≥ RIFF ταπεδεΓΩΦ Φτ ⌠αΘδα
  803. Under the Microsoft Windows OSes, the media files copied off a VCD or SVCD have RIFF headers appended.                                 =╧εΣ ╬╤ MS Windows, ∩≡Φ Ωε∩Φ≡εΓαφΦΦ MPEG ⌠αΘδεΓ ± (S)VCD ΣεßαΓδ ■≥±  ταπεδεΓΩΦ RIFF
  804. This tool simply removes those headers ad converts the file back into a plain MPEG stream.                                             =▌≥α ∩≡επ≡α∞∞α ∩≡ε±≥ε ≤ßΦ≡ασ≥ ²≥Φ ταπεδεΓΩΦ, ∩≡σΓ≡α∙α  ⌠αΘδ Γ φε≡∞αδⁿφ√Θ MPEG
  805. During writing you should avoid to open the Windows Explorer and similar tools                                                         =┬ε Γ≡σ∞  τα∩Φ±Φ Γ√ φσ Σεδµφ√ ε≥Ω≡√Γα≥ⁿ ∩≡εΓεΣφΦΩ windows Φ Σ≡≤πΦσ ⌠αΘδεΓ√σ ∞σφσΣµσ≡√
  806. CDRDAO does not lock the recording device so that all access action from the Explorer will lead to a failure of the recording process. =CDRDAO φσ ßδεΩΦ≡≤σ≥ ∩Φ°≤∙ΦΘ ∩≡ΦΓεΣ, Φ δ■ßεσ εß≡α∙σφΦσ Ω φσ∞≤ Γε Γ≡σ∞  τα∩Φ±Φ ∩≡ΦΓσΣ╕≥ Ω ≥ε∞≤, ≈≥ε Γ√ Φ±∩ε≡≥Φ≥σ ßεδΓαφΩ≤
  807. If the "Auto Insert Notification" of your CD device is ON, your PC may hang during CD read operations.                                 =┼±δΦ ≤ Γα± ΓΩδ■≈σφε "Auto Insert Notification", ∞επ≤≥ ß√≥ⁿ ∩εΣΓΦ±αφΦ  Γε Γ≡σ∞  ≈≥σφΦ  ΣΦ±Ωα
  808. If so, check OFF "Auto Insert Notification" of your CD device.                                                                         =┼±δΦ ≥αΩ, ε≥Ωδ■≈Φ≥σ "Auto Insert Notification"
  810. ##################################### Added at version 1.1.4
  812. This MPEG file requires autopadding... you may be unable to watch it correctly...=▌≥ε≥ MPEG ⌠αΘδ ≥≡σß≤σ≥ autopadding(αΓ≥εΓ√≡αΓφΦΓαφΦσ).┬ετ∞εµφε, Γ√ φσ ±∞εµσ≥σ σπε ∩≡ε±∞ε≥≡σ≥ⁿ Ωε≡≡σΩ≥φε
  813. This MPEG file have bad packets                                                 =┬ ²≥ε∞ MPEG ⌠αΘδσ σ±≥ⁿ ∩δε⌡Φσ ∩αΩσ≥√
  814. Attention: several chapters at the same entry point (if it is not what you wanted... change your chapters or let %s analyse the MPEG files to avoid this situation)=┬φΦ∞αφΦσ!═σ±ΩεδⁿΩε πδαΓ φα εΣφεΘ ≥ε≈Ωσ Γ⌡εΣα (┼±δΦ ²≥ε φσ ≥ε, ≈σπε Γ√ ⌡ε≥σδΦ, Φτ∞σφΦ≥σ πδαΓ√ ΦδΦ ≡ατ≡σ°Φ≥σ %s ∩≡εΓσ±≥Φ αφαδΦτ)
  815. Next time, let %s analyse the MPEG files to have this warning before...         =┬ ±δσΣ≤■∙ΦΘ ≡ατ, ≡ατ≡σ°Φ≥σ  %s ∩≡εαφαδΦτΦ≡εΓα≥ⁿ MPEG ⌠αΘδ, ≈≥εß√ Φ∞σ≥ⁿ ²≥ε ∩≡σΣ≤∩≡σµΣσφΦσ ∩ε≡αφⁿ°σ
  816. (i.e. one MPEG video file)                                                      =(φα∩≡Φ∞σ≡,  εΣΦφ ⌠αΘδ MPEG)
  817. CD image file too big... (note that it will not solve the problem, nor work, to use a DVD disc...)=╤δΦ°Ωε∞ ßεδⁿ°εΘ εß≡ατ Ωε∞∩αΩ≥-ΣΦ±Ωα(╚±∩εδⁿτεΓα≥ⁿ DVD Γ ²≥ε∞ ±δ≤≈ασ ═┼╦▄╟▀)
  818. You need to cut a too big MPEG file if any (in using a MPEG cut tool), or put less MPEG files, to reduce the total size=┬√ Σεδµφ√ εß≡στα≥ⁿ MPEG ⌠αΘδ ΦδΦ Φ±∩εδⁿτεΓα≥ⁿ ∞σφⁿ°σ ⌠αΘδεΓ
  819. Or, if you put many files in the ISO filesystem part, you may need to remove some...=╚δΦ, σ±δΦ Γ√ Φ±∩εδⁿτεΓαδΦ ±δΦ°Ωε∞ ∞φεπε ⌠αΘδεΓ Γ ISO ≡ατΣσδσ ΣΦ±Ωα, Γα∞ ∩≡ΦΣ╕≥±  ≤ΣαδΦ≥ⁿ ∩α≡ε≈Ω≤ . . .
  820. Unable to capture the picture with the current Media Player codecs...           =═σΓετ∞µφε ∩≡εΦτΓσ±≥Φ τα⌡Γα≥ Ωα≡≥ΦφΩΦ, Φ±∩εδⁿτ≤  ≥σΩ≤∙ΦΘ ΩεΣσΩ ╠σΣΦα ╧≡εΦπ≡√Γα≥σδ 
  821. Depending on your MPEG codecs, pictures capture may make %s crashes now, or later... =┬ ταΓΦ±Φ∞ε±≥Φ ε≥ Γα°Φ⌡ MPEG ΩεΣσΩεΓ, τα⌡Γα≥ Ωα≡≥ΦφεΩ ∞εµσ≥ ∩≡ΦΓσ±≥Φ Ω ταΓΦ±αφΦ■ %s ±σΘ≈α± ΦδΦ ∩ετΣφσσ . . .
  822. CDRDAO (burning) has been disabled, as I am not sure it will work with your ASPI drivers=CDRDAO ε≥Ωδ■≈σφ, ∩ε±ΩεδⁿΩ≤   φσ ≤Γσ≡σφ, ≈≥ε εφ ß≤Σσ≥ ≡αßε≥α≥ⁿ ± Γα°Φ∞ ∩Φ°≤∙Φ∞ ∩≡ΦΓεΣε∞
  823. Go to the "settings" page to enable it yourself if you want to try...           =┼±δΦ ⌡ε≥Φ≥σ ∩ε∩√≥α≥± , ΓΩδ■≈Φ≥σ σπε φα± ±≥≡αφΦ÷σ "φα±≥≡εΘΩΦ"
  824. %s ASPI                                                                         =%s ASPI
  825. Warning: You may experience some problems...                                    =┬φΦ∞αφΦσ:∞επ≤≥ ∩ε ΓΦ≥±  ∩≡εßδσ∞√
  826. Warning: You may experience some problems with the ASPI Tools in enabling them...=┬φΦ∞αφΦσ:∞επ≤≥ ∩ε ΓΦ≥±  ∩≡εßδσ∞√ ∩≡Φ ΓΩδ■≈σφφε∞ ASPI
  827. Not yet finished... Sorry!                                                      =┼∙╕ φσ ταΩεφ≈σφε . . . ╚τΓΦφΦ≥σ!
  828. Aborting                                                                        =╬≥∞σφ ■
  829. Some files required by %s are missing                                           =═σΩε≥ε≡√σ ⌠αΘδ√, ≥≡σß≤σ∞√σ %s , ε≥±≤≥±≥Γ≤■≥
  830. Please, install the %s full distribution to have all the required files         =╧εµαδ≤Θ±≥α, Φ±∩εδⁿτ≤Θ≥σ ∩εδφ√Θ ΣΦ±≥≡Φß≤≥ΦΓ %s , ≈≥εß√ Φ∞σ≥ⁿ Γ±σ ≥≡σß≤σ∞√σ ⌠αΘδ√
  831. If you want to burn with %s...                                                  =┼±δΦ Γ√ ⌡ε≥Φ≥σ τα∩Φ±√Γα≥ⁿ ΣΦ±ΩΦ ± ∩ε∞ε∙ⁿ■ %s...
  832. If you want to create some MPEG pictures with %s...                             =┼±δΦ Γ√ ⌡ε≥Φ≥σ ±ετΣαΓα≥ⁿ Ωα≡≥ΦφΩΦ MPEG ± ∩ε∞ε∙ⁿ■ %s...
  833. If you are sure your disk is empty, then you may have a bad "Force Driver" in the CDRDAO settings page=┼±δΦ Γ√ ≤Γσ≡σφ√, ≈≥ε ΣΦ±Ω ≈Φ±≥√Θ, Γετ∞εµφε ≤ Γα± ∩≡εßδσ∞√ ± "⌠ε≡±Φ≡εΓαφΦσ∞ Σ≡αΘΓσ≡εΓ" φα ±≥≡αφΦ÷σ φα±≥≡εσΩ CDRDAO
  834. In %s                                                                           =┬ %s
  835. Forbidden characters                                                            =╟α∩≡σ∙╕φφ√σ ±Φ∞Γεδ√
  836. Rename or/and move the file in order to not have forbidden characters in the full filemane=╧σ≡σΦ∞σφ≤Θ≥σ/∩σ≡σ∞σ±≥Φ≥σ ⌠αΘδ ≥αΩ, ≈≥εß√ Γ σπε Φ∞σφΦ φσ ß√δε τα∩≡σ∙╕φφ√⌡ ±Φ∞ΓεδεΓ
  837. %s page at %s                                                                   =╤≥≡αφΦ÷α %s φα %s
  838. burning                                                                         =τα∩Φ±√Γα■
  839. You also may need to be an Administrator on this computer, if it is not already the case=┼±δΦ Γα°α ╬╤ Windows NT/2k/XP Γ√ Σεδµφ√ Φ∞σ≥ⁿ ∩≡αΓα αΣ∞ΦφΦ±≥≡α≥ε≡α
  840. Add here MPEG files (MPEG Videos and/or MPEG Pictures) compliant with the VideoCD specifications=─εßαΓδ Θ≥σ ±■Σα MPEG ⌠αΘδ√(MPEG ΓΦΣσε ⌠αΘδ√/MPEG Ωα≡≥ΦφΩΦ), ±εΓ∞σ±≥Φ∞√σ ± ⌠ε≡∞α≥ε∞ VideoCD
  841. "%s" (from %s) not found                                                        ="%s" (ε≥ %s)  φσ φαΘΣσφ
  842. Unit not ready, giving up                                                       =╠εΣ≤δⁿ φσ πε≥εΓ, ∩≡σΩ≡α∙α■ ∩ε∩√≥ΩΦ
  843. Unit not ready, still trying                                                    =╠εΣ≤δⁿ φσ πε≥εΓ, ∩≡εΣεδµα■ ∩ε∩√≥ΩΦ
  844. Cannot setup device                                                             =═σ ∞επ≤ φα±≥≡εΦ≥ⁿ ≤±≥≡εΘ±≥Γε
  845. Using driver:                                                                   =╚±∩εδⁿτ≤  Σ≡αΘΓσ≡:
  846. You may have an ASPI drivers problem                                            =┬ετ∞εµφε, ≤ Γα± ∩≡εßδσ∞α ± ASPI
  847. Error                                                                           =╬°ΦßΩα
  848. Disc blanked                                                                    =CD ε≈Φ∙σφ
  849. Blanking disk                                                                   =╬≈Φ∙α■ ∩σ≡στα∩Φ±√Γασ∞√Θ CD
  850. Blanking time                                                                   =┬≡σ∞  ε≈Φ±≥ΩΦ
  851. CD empty                                                                        =╩ε∞∩αΩ≥-ΣΦ±Ω ∩≤±≥
  852. Trying to unlock drive                                                          =╧√≥α■±ⁿ ≡ατßδεΩΦ≡εΓα≥ⁿ ∩≡ΦΓεΣ
  853. Drive unlocked                                                                  =╧≡ΦΓεΣ ≡ατßδεΩΦ≡εΓαφ
  854. Starting write simulation at speed                                              =╟α∩≤±Ωα■ ²∞≤δ ÷Φ■ τα∩Φ±Φ φα ±Ωε≡ε±≥Φ
  855. Starting write at speed                                                         =╟α∩≤±Ωα■ τα∩Φ±ⁿ φα ±Ωε≡ε±≥Φ
  856. Writing track                                                                   =╟α∩Φ±√Γα■ Σε≡εµΩ≤
  857. Please wait while finalizing the CD                                             =╧εµαδ≤Θ±≥α µΣΦ≥σ, ταΩ≡√Γα■ CD
  858. Disk seems to be written, will reload the disk to be sure                       =─Φ±Ω Γ√πδ ΣΦ≥ ≤µσ τα∩Φ±αφφ√∞, ∩σ≡σταπ≡≤µ≤ Σδ  ∩≡εΓσ≡ΩΦ
  859. Writing finished successfully                                                   =╟α∩Φ±ⁿ ±εΓσ≡°σφα ≤±∩σ°φε
  860. Simulation finished successfully                                                =▌∞≤δ ÷Φ  τα∩Φ±Φ ±εΓσ≡°σφα ≤±∩σ°φε
  861. Internally computed XML generated successfully                                  =╙±∩σ°φε ±πσφσ≡Φ≡εΓαφ XML ⌠αΘδ
  862. Turning %s on                                                                   =┬Ωδ■≈α■ %s
  863. Turning %s off                                                                  =┬√Ωδ■≈α■ %s
  864. That data below may not reflect the real status of the inserted medium. Reload the medium in this case.=▌≥Φ Σαφφ√σ ∞επ≤≥ φσ ε≥≡αµα≥ⁿ ≡σαδⁿφεπε ∩εδεµσφΦ  ± φε±Φ≥σδσ∞.┬ ≥αΩε∞ ±δ≤≈ασ, Γ√≥α∙Φ≥σ σπε Φ Γ±≥αΓⁿ≥σ ε∩ ≥ⁿ
  865. Note that CDRDAO troubles are often related to the use of an inadequate driver =╧≡εßδσ∞√ ± CDRDAO ≈α±≥ε Γ√τΓαφ√ φσ∩≡αΓΦδⁿφ√∞ Σ≡αΘΓσ≡ε∞
  866. A CD is required (if there is one, then you may have a bad CDRDAO driver in the CDRDAO settings page)=╥≡σß≤σ≥±  CD.┼±δΦ εφ Γ±≥αΓδσφ, ≤ Γα± φαΓσ≡φεσ ∩≡εßδσ∞√ ± CDRDAO, ∩≡εΓσ≡ⁿ≥σ ±≥≡αφΦ÷≤ φα±≥≡εσΩ
  867. You may have a bad CDRDAO driver in the CDRDAO settings page, BUT before changing it, try first without simulation  =┬ετ∞εµφε, ≤ Γα± ∩≡εßδσ∞√ ± Σ≡αΘΓσ≡ε∞ CDRDAO, φε ∩σ≡σΣ ±∞σφεΘ Σ≡αΘΓσ≡α, ∩≡εΓσ≡ⁿ≥σ τα∩Φ±ⁿ ┴┼╟ ²∞≤δ ÷ΦΦ
  868. You may have a bad CDRDAO driver in the CDRDAO settings page                    =┬ετ∞εµφε, ≤ Γα± ∩≡εßδσ∞√ ± CDRDAO, ∩≡εΓσ≡ⁿ≥σ ±≥≡αφΦ÷≤ φα±≥≡εσΩ
  869. No driver found for                                                             =═σ φαΘΣσφ Σ≡αΘΓσ≡ Σδ 
  870. Use "Force Driver" in the "CDRDAO settings" page to set a CDRDAO driver manually=╚±∩εδⁿτ≤Θ≥σ ∩≤φΩ≥ "⌠ε≡±Φ≡εΓαφΦσ Σ≡αΘΓσ≡α", ≈≥εß√ Γ≡≤≈φ≤■ ∩ε±≥αΓΦ≥ⁿ Ωε∞αφΣ≤ τα∩Φ±Φ Σδ  CDRDAO
  874. #################################################################################################################################################################################
  876. [Tips]
  878. ##################################### Added at version 1.1.3
  880. You can use mouse drag to rearrange the order of your MPEG files (in the MPEG files list of the "Main" page).      =╠εµφε Φ±∩εδⁿτεΓα≥ⁿ ∩σ≡σ≥α±ΩΦΓαφΦσ ∞√°ⁿ■, ≈≥εß√ Φτ∞σφΦ≥ⁿ ∩ε≡ ΣεΩ ⌠αΘδεΓ φα πδαΓφεΘ ±≥≡αφΦ÷σ
  881. You can use 3rd party burning tools (such as CDRWIN) to burn the CD image files generated by %s... Useful if CDRDAO does not work on your machine!^See the guides for more information.        =╠εµφε Φ±∩εδⁿτεΓα≥ⁿ Σ≡≤πΦσ ∩≡επ≡α∞∞√ Σδ  τα∩Φ±Φ εß≡ατεΓ, ±ετΣαφφ√⌡ %s... (═α∩≡Φ∞σ≡ CDRWIN ΦδΦ Nero Burning ROM)^╬±εßσφφε, σ±δΦ ≤ Γα± ∩≡εßδσ∞√ ± CDRDAO
  882. You can delete one by one some MPEG files in the MPEG files list by pressing the DEL key.      =╠εµφε ≤ΣαδΦ≥ⁿ εΣΦφ ΦδΦ ßεδσσ ⌠αΘδεΓ Φτ ±∩Φ±Ωα φα πδαΓφεΘ ±≥≡αφΦ÷σ, φαµαΓ DEL
  883. You can drag'n drop MPEG files from a Windows explorer box to the MPEG files list.      =╠εµφε ∩σ≡σ≥α±ΩΦΓα≥ⁿ MPEG ⌠αΘδ√ ∞√°ⁿ■ Γ ±∩Φ±εΩ MPEG ⌠αΘδεΓ φα πδαΓφεΘ ±≥≡αφΦ÷σ
  884. %s has a lot of "Hints"... Useful information in yellow boxes that appears when you let the mouse over a composant for a few seconds... Read them!         =%s Φ∞σσ≥ ∞φεµσ±≥Γε ∩εδστφ√⌡ Γ±∩δ√Γα■∙Φ⌡ ∩εΣ±ΩατεΩ, Ωε≥ε≡√σ Γ√πδ Σ ≥ ΩαΩ µ╕δ≥√σ ∩≡ ∞ε≤πεδⁿφΦΩΦ, Φ ∩ε Γδ ■≥±  ∩≡Φ φαΓσΣσφΦΦ ∞√°ΩΦ.╫Φ≥αΘ≥σ!
  885. You can capture the pictures of all your chapters in one step in using "Generate Pictures" from the chapters list box's context menu.        =╠εµφε τα⌡Γα≥Φ≥ⁿ Ωα≡≥ΦφΩΦ ±≡ατ≤ Σδ  Γ±σ⌡ πδαΓ, Φ±∩εδⁿτ≤  Ωε∞αφΣ≤ "±ετΣα≥ⁿ Ωα≡≥ΦφΩΦ" Γ Ωεφ≥σΩ±≥φε∞ ∞σφ■ ±∩Φ±Ωα πδαΓ
  886. You can capture a picture from the Media Player box.        =╠εµφε τα⌡Γα≥Φ≥ⁿ Ωα≡≥ΦφΩ≤ Φτ ∞σΣΦα ∩≡εΦπ≡√Γα≥σδ 
  887. If you disabled "Show tips at Startup", you can enable it again via the "Help" menu.        =┼±δΦ Γ√ ε≥Ωδ■≈Φ≥σ ╤εΓσ≥√ ─φ , Φ⌡ ∞εµφε ΓΩδ■≈Φ≥ⁿ ε∩ ≥ⁿ Φτ ∞σφ■ "╤∩≡αΓΩα"
  888. The "Interactivity" page is shown only if PBC (PlayBack Control) is ON.        =╤≥≡αφΦ÷α "Φφ≥σ≡αΩ≥ΦΓφε±≥ⁿ" Σε±≥≤∩φα ≥εδⁿΩε σ±δΦ PBC(Ωεφ≥≡εδⁿ ≤∩≡αΓδσφΦ  Γε±∩≡εΦτΓσΣσφΦσ∞) ΓΩδ■≈σφ
  889. %s scales well, according to the Windows font resolution (I worked hard for low vision persons...)        =%s ⌡ε≡ε°ε ∞α°≥αßΦ≡≤σ≥±  ∩≡Φ ≡ατφ√⌡ ≡ατ∞σ≡α⌡ °≡Φ⌠≥εΓ(  ταßε≈≤±ⁿ ε δ■Σ ⌡ ± ε±δαßδσφφ√∞ τ≡σφΦσ∞)
  890. When %s starts, it sometimes wants to access the Internet... because it wants to check for a new version available. You can disable this check via "Auto check for a new version" in the "Help" menu.        =╩επΣα %s τα∩≤±Ωασ≥± , εφα ΦφεπΣα δστσ≥ Γ Φφ≥σ≡φσ≥, ≈≥εß√ ∩≡εΓσ≡Φ≥ⁿ φαδΦ≈Φσ φεΓεΘ Γσ≡±ΦΦ.▌≥ε ∞εµφε ε≥Ωδ■≈Φ≥ⁿ παδε≈ΩεΘ "∩≡εΓσ≡ ≥ⁿ φαδΦ≈Φσ φεΓεΘ Γσ≡±ΦΦ"
  892. ##################################### Added at version 1.1.4
  894. If you have Nero, %s can use Nero's ASPI layer if there ("WnAspi32.Dll" in the folder of Nero [and also "NeroApix.vxd" in "Windows\System\IOSUBSYS\" on Win9x/Me]). It may solve a CD writer detection problem.=┼±δΦ ≤ Γα± σ±≥ⁿ ∩≡επ≡α∞∞α Nero Burning ROM, Φ Γ√ Φ±∩√≥√Γασ≥σ ∩≡εßδσ∞√ ± Σ≡αΘΓσ≡α∞Φ ASPI Σδ  CDRDAO %s ∞εµσ≥ Φ±∩εδⁿτεΓα≥ⁿ ASPI Σ≡αΘΓσ≡ ("WnAspi32.Dll") ∩≡ ∞ε Φτ ∩α∩ΩΦ Nero [Φ σ∙╕ "NeroApix.vxd" Γ "Windows\System\IOSUBSYS\" φα Win9x/Me]  